Ask Questions about New Leaf here! (Read first before creating a thread)

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Why aren't any mushroom appearing near any of my trees?
Yes, there's room around the trunk, and some have a couple flowers near them but it's not surrounded or anything.

Do you have any mushrooms in your town (like for decoration)? I'm having the same issue and I think it's because I have loads of mushrooms laying around and that confuses the game somehow.
Yeah, but I only have about 5 or so lying around.
I guess I'll pick them up and see if it'll help.
Why aren't any mushroom appearing near any of my trees?
Yes, there's room around the trunk, and some have a couple flowers near them but it's not surrounded or anything.

I'm having the same problem. I haven't found a single one while my sister is finding several every day. :/ I don't know how many random mushrooms she has lying around, but I know she doesn't have paths or many flowers around her trees. I have both, but I also have a good number of free trees.

I guess I'll remove my extra mushrooms (have them around for decoration) and see what happens. :)
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Once I removed my existing mushrooms, I started finding new ones including the mush furniture c:
I need some advice-
I asked someone to come over and take mott on reddit. After she did, I saved and she wanted to shop for a bit. She disconnected in the shops from my town and when i came back on, mott was still here even after she had talked to him and I saved. She is basically calling me an idiot because i asked to come back and take him. I thought this was a known issue that even after you save, if you dc the villager wont move.
I need some advice-
I asked someone to come over and take mott on reddit. After she did, I saved and she wanted to shop for a bit. She disconnected in the shops from my town and when i came back on, mott was still here even after she had talked to him and I saved. She is basically calling me an idiot because i asked to come back and take him. I thought this was a known issue that even after you save, if you dc the villager wont move.
Villagers won't leave with the person. They'll behave just like normal, and disappear the next day.
I have a villager in my cycling town that I'm going to move over to my main, but I just realized I forgot to set the time back this morning so it'll be midnight in-game in an hour. I'm at school so I'm not able to fix it, but if I set the time before 6 AM in-game, will she have left?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Villagers won't leave with the person. They'll behave just like normal, and disappear the next day.

Also; Isn't this wrong? Every time I've given villagers away, if I knock on their door when the person has left they will have left a note saying "moved".
Yeah, there would be a note like that on the door. But I don't understand what would have gone wrong, because the game was saved before that person left...

I have a villager in my cycling town that I'm going to move over to my main, but I just realized I forgot to set the time back this morning so it'll be midnight in-game in an hour. I'm at school so I'm not able to fix it, but if I set the time before 6 AM in-game, will she have left?

The new day doesn't start until 6AM, so she won't have moved out at midnight. BUT she might be sleeping? So to be sure, I'd set the clock back a bit to make sure the villager is awake.
In principle, you could leave your town unattended any amount of days and upon returning, you could set the date to last day played, and nothing would have changed.
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The new day doesn't start until 6AM, so she won't have moved out at midnight. BUT she might be sleeping? So to be sure, I'd set the clock back a bit to make sure the villager is awake.
In principle, you could leave your town unattended any amount of days and upon returning, you could set the date to last day played, and nothing would have changed.

Oh thank god. Thanks for answering <3
Quick question. I just got the entire golden outside, but I have to wait until tomorrow to order more stuff. The golden house stuff is permanently unlocked, right? If I go under the amount of points, I won't lose the stuff, right?
Quick question. I just got the entire golden outside, but I have to wait until tomorrow to order more stuff. The golden house stuff is permanently unlocked, right? If I go under the amount of points, I won't lose the stuff, right?

I can still request the golden exterior parts and I definitely don't have the points that were required to unlock the parts, so I'm gonna say that you won't lose them. I have 200-something-K now.
Lucky gave me a time capsule a while ago but I forgot to bury it so now it's not allowing me to do so. Should I read it now or will he eventually ask for it back even though I failed to bury it ?
Lucky gave me a time capsule a while ago but I forgot to bury it so now it's not allowing me to do so. Should I read it now or will he eventually ask for it back even though I failed to bury it ?

Have you checked if you can still bury it? I don't think he'll ask for it back unless you've buried it and gone back to tell him you've done so.
i have a game i already have can i have two towers on one ds or if i want to play again will i have to make a new one
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