Hi everyone! I'm new here, and looking to buy the new Animal Crossing with a member of my family. We have AC Wild World and enjoyed playing with each other in our towns. Can we do the same thing in Animal Crossing New Leaf? Thanks!
If I do the reset trick to get a new villager to a good spot and then save with my new character, do I *have* to put up a tent? My town is kind of set up in such a way that I don't have room for another player house.
Is there a way to check what my native fruit is? I've had every fruit for a long time and I kinda forgot.![]()
Is there a way to check what my native fruit is? I've had every fruit for a long time and I kinda forgot.![]()
For villagers that you adopt from town to town. What memory do they keep. The original town they moved from or the previous towns memory?
I have a question about Toy Day. I've pretty much gathered what my villagers want, but something odd happened. Bella told me at first that she wanted something black, but when i spoke to her more, she then said an umbrella. Am I to believe this means she wants a black umbrella? Is the gift they want liable to change throughout the month? Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks.
I believe from other people posts/answers that you will get up to 3 clues from each villager to help you sort through the toys that Jingle brings. In your case, yeah I would guess it's a black umbrella and the 3rd clue (if she ever gives it to you) will be the theme it falls into. (Bat umbrella, I'm thinking.)
Hi everyone, I am back with another question. So, in my town, it's currently snowing for the first time (I'm on November 26, so not current date). As my festival is in two days, I just went fishing to stock up a bit and figured 'hey, snow is like rain, so maybe I'll catch this Coelacanth (sp?) fish'. I'm not sure what size it is, but I think it's large? So far, however, I have only caught large fish starting with "Sea" and ending with "Bass", as expected. Or tuna.
So I'm wondering: Is snow treated as rain in the game? I've been at it for two hours now. =/
Based on the AC Wiki snow counts. Have you fished between 4 PM to 9 AM?