Ask Questions about New Leaf here! (Read first before creating a thread)

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Ah yeah, I tend to assume people either play everyday or TT back to do the days they missed.

On the last bit, when I tried to override a plot before (which would have been my 10th) I couldn't get either my camper at the time nor the villager in the other town to mention moving. And when I tried on my cycle town where the plot was my 9th villager I instead ended up with both villagers moving in.
I've yet to have it proven to me that you can override a plot, though I imagine it is possible otherwise there wouldn't be the system of cancelled move letter and Cheddarcat wouldn't have managed to glitch his town with a double Wolfgang invite.

So don't count on it always working. ~ I've not risked trying again since though.

Ah, good to know -- someone posted yesterday that it happened to them, but if you've actually experimented with it and it didn't work, it must not be consistent (or even common)... in any case, I definitely wouldn't count on it, but I think it's worth a stab if you have already logged on as your mayor or alt and saved the plot.
I have a question~
So I got K.K. Slider with his guitar for the first time today (my club opened only two days ago). I got only the first song he played as a tune, which is rather sad, but I guess it can't be helped and that I will have to wait a long time until I can buy some more when the store is upgraded enough. But I've also read that some songs must be requested, which probably means they won't be sold? I just requested one and K.K. played it just fine, but I didn't get the tune. How am I supposed to get them for my collection when the first song he plays - the one I get as a tune - can never be one of the hidden ones? I'm confused.
You're only unallowed to request for the first week. Next week, K. K. Slider will ask outright from the beginning (remember to talk to him before sitting!) if you'd like a request made. c:
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Ooooh! That clears it up! Thank you so much! Damn, now to wait a whole week until I can request one of the songs I actually like.
For the KK Badges, does it only count the times he gives you a boot of the song, or does it also count when you request multiple songs a night?
For the KK Badges, does it only count the times he gives you a boot of the song, or does it also count when you request multiple songs a night?

For the badges it's every request you make -- for the K.K Pic you have to see him on 20 different Saturdays. Don't know if that means you have to request a song, or you can hear him in another town though.
I made a snowtyke next to my snowmam. I thought, cool their together, went indoors then back out, my snowtyke vanished...
Was it because it was too close? Anyhow, will it count as him being there still? I mean, if I finish the family before snowmam melts, will he still send me an item, despite the fact that he's no there?
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Sometimes once a day, sometimes none. And, if you have stuff lying around your plaza and Redd's or Katrina or anything else lands on top of it, it will be safely transported to your police station. :)

And, if you happen to time-travel a lot, you may get back and find a full lost-and-found.
Okay, so I'm hoping someone can help me out because I'm quite confused about the internet at the moment. In ACNL, I've been working on my house that is fairytale themed. My room sets are Mermaid (top floor), Regal (main room), Lovely (left wing), Spooky (back room), and Rococo (right wing). I was having trouble finding a set for my basement, so I looked online and EVERYWHERE it says that Ice furniture is Fairytale themed. So I built a snowmam, collected all of the furniture from her and put it in my basement and the HHA guy is still telling me that my basement needs to be included in my theme and my points stayed the same. Anyone know the actual theme of the ice furniture? I might just say screw it and go with the Gracie set, but still have to wait to get the emporium.
How long after you start a new village will ppl start to want to move? I have 9 villagers right now, been playing in this town about two weeks, don't TT, and no one has asked to leave. I'm wanting some of the ones I like to want to move so they can go to my other town, or the ones I don't like to move so I can get rid of them.
Okay, so I'm hoping someone can help me out because I'm quite confused about the internet at the moment. In ACNL, I've been working on my house that is fairytale themed. My room sets are Mermaid (top floor), Regal (main room), Lovely (left wing), Spooky (back room), and Rococo (right wing). I was having trouble finding a set for my basement, so I looked online and EVERYWHERE it says that Ice furniture is Fairytale themed. So I built a snowmam, collected all of the furniture from her and put it in my basement and the HHA guy is still telling me that my basement needs to be included in my theme and my points stayed the same. Anyone know the actual theme of the ice furniture? I might just say screw it and go with the Gracie set, but still have to wait to get the emporium.

The basement doesn't count toward your HHA points. He says every room except the basement is counted. I can also confirm this, as my house is fairy-tale themed and my basement is just full of junk LOL. If the basement counted, my points would've taken a dive. xD
uhhh i asked wolfgang to move in yesterday and im doing the house plot reset trick and i dont see his plot anywhere?? did i do something wrong?? i know it can take 2 days sometimes but last time i asked friga to move in and i waited days and her house plot never came. i checked every inch of my town and i have room. uh??
Two short questions:

1) If my town is not perfect but I buy some Jacob's Ladders from someone else and plant them in my town, will they stay or would they wilt?

2) How much of a tip is customary when selling turnips in someone else's town, just in general?
I was just wondering how often villagers will ask to move out? I'm trying to move some of mine out because my town is full and I like having space just in case I see someone I want pop up.
uhhh i asked wolfgang to move in yesterday and im doing the house plot reset trick and i dont see his plot anywhere?? did i do something wrong?? i know it can take 2 days sometimes but last time i asked friga to move in and i waited days and her house plot never came. i checked every inch of my town and i have room. uh??

Did you ask 2 villagers to move in on the same day? If you do then you'l only get one.
I was just wondering how often villagers will ask to move out? I'm trying to move some of mine out because my town is full and I like having space just in case I see someone I want pop up.

It seems to average between 2-4 days, but sometimes it can be even more like 5 or 6.
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