Proud Filipino
If they're planted smack next to the river, no. But you can plant them one space away from it. c:
Does that also apply if it is smack next to a cliff?
If they're planted smack next to the river, no. But you can plant them one space away from it. c:
Does that also apply if it is smack next to a cliff?
You're gonna have to buy it yourself. The limit is 9999.I have a question about Re-Tail.
Genji has gone insane. ._. I gave him a white katana which he put up in Re-Tail (thanks, Genji...), however, he stuck a 22k price tag to it. A lot of animals ping the thing, only to the tell me that it's way too expensive - which it is. Do I have any hope of getting someone to buy it, ever? Or is the only chance of freeing up the space me buying the expensive thing myself. I admit I don't want to, lol, even with million bells in my deposit. xD;
So I've been reading a lot of posts by people who are dissatisfied with their town layouts because the river is too windy and the plaza is in a bad spot and there's no space for new PWPs/alt houses. I was wondering if it's possible to make a town in such a way that there's no room for new villagers to move in. Between a crazy river, mayor's house and 3 alts, 9 villagers, and a ton of PWPs in strategic locations (especially the big ones), it at least sounds feasible? It would take a looot of very strategic PWP placement. Villager houses can be 1 space away from cliffs and rivers, but need 2 between another villager's house, an alt's house, or a PWP.
Does anyone know if it's possible to set up a restrictive town like this? And if it was, I wonder what would happen if you invited a 10th villager to move in and there was no space left for them to move?
Oh, I have more questions, this time about the perfect town rating:
1) Isabelle told me to plant more trees (I had chopped down a few due to landscaping). Now I have planted what I thought would be enough, but I still get the comment. Do trees only count when they are fully grown or are saplings enough? Just wondering if I have to wait four days now to learn if I have enough or not.
2) How many PWPs do I need to get the perfect rating? I thought it was 10, but I have 15 now and my town is still underdeveloped. I know that the PWPs give different ratings, but I made sure to build only good ones (like the flowerbeds and stuff)
3) Does bamboo count as trees? As in, could I plant 60 trees and 50 bamboos and still get the perfect town rating since 110+ trees are required?
I was told Gala planned to move. For some reason, I decided to agree to it with the intention of talking her out of it. When I said it was okay, she said something like, "I'm excited to see a new place but sad we won't get to spend any more time together. Maybe I should reconsider." Does that mean she is definitely not moving? Why couldn't she be a little more direct (I say as I planned to maneuver her back into staying)?
If you agreed to her moving, and she says she isn't sure, that's probably because she isn't high on your friendship ladder, which means she probably isn't going to move. (Not 100% certain of that)
Also, I didn't know you could talk a villager out of moving once you agreed and they say they will. o:
I would assume Nintendo probably made it to where a villager can squeeze in the town, regardless of how much space there is. Even after all those things you listed, I think there would still be a small square left somewhere for a villager to plop in. lol
In my experience it's pretty easy to change their opinions even if you had already agreed to them moving before. However, from what I've seen, once you have agreed when they pinged you, they will not talk about moving during a ping again; you have to normally talk them and then the topic comes up sooner or later (most times sooner; both Kabuki and Bettina brought it up again after talking to them 3-4 times).
Regarding the TT 16 villagers i keep seeing here, what will happen once you hit the 17th villager?
Will the first one start appearing on your campsite or they will just move in if you have space?
How many previous towns does a villager remember? Do they only remember the town they were in immediately previous to your town, or do they remember even further back? I don't think I've heard any of my villagers talk about more than one town, but I'm just curious...
I have a problem with a formation of four trees. I can't upload a screensshot right now, so, that's how I planted them:
o o
o o
I had them in the same formation before until Ankha put her house on them. I wanted to replant them now that Ankha is gone but the one in the lower right corner wilted.All the other ones are fine. They are not near a rock, house, river etc so that can't be the problem. Any idea what causes the one on the lower right to wilt and is there something I can do? It doesn't look right if only three of them grow...