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Oooh, that's convenient! :D

I was worried that it was something silly like 10am to 8pm. Thanks, Zen!
In The Japanese game, Nook's sold out signs are in Japanese. But Labelle's and Gracie's actually say "Sold Out". I never understood that. Is there reasoning behind that?
Can anyone provide the pattern dimensions for the sleeveless, dress and regular shirts please?
What new hair colours are there? I saw purple in a picture, is there black?


It looks awesome!
Yes, that's exactly it, thank you OB ^^

Another one, can bamboo be planted on the edge of rivers? Or will it not grow?
Darn, well there goes that idea :( guess I'll have to line it with flowers again :s
If you use retail to color a (for ex.) yellow furniture (for ex.) blue, is the color still considered yellow for feng shui?
When graciegrace comes to do a fashion check do you only have one shot? Or can you try a few times in the one day to get it right? Sorry if this question has been asked before
When graciegrace comes to do a fashion check do you only have one shot? Or can you try a few times in the one day to get it right? Sorry if this question has been asked before

from what I saw in LinandKo's video you can try a few times
who else is going to make your character cross dress LOL....just had a thought.

Not me. I may hate skirts and stuff in real life but if you offer me pants and shorts in a game I'm gonna laugh at you and put on a dress. xD

Though if I have an outfit that just looks nice as a shirt I might keep a spare pair of black or Khaki pants around for it. xD

Then again I don't consider women in pants all that much cross dressing. xD
Not me. I may hate skirts and stuff in real life but if you offer me pants and shorts in a game I'm gonna laugh at you and put on a dress. xD

Though if I have an outfit that just looks nice as a shirt I might keep a spare pair of black or Khaki pants around for it. xD

Then again I don't consider women in pants all that much cross dressing. xD

Pretty much this. Depending on the shirt, I might wear pants, but in games I prefer to go all out girly. Dresses, shirts, skirts, etc.

And then I play Assassin's Creed...

I don't know where I'm going with this, but yeah. :)
I've heard that Resetti doesn't appear in this game unless you build the surveillance center. If that is true than what is the benefit of building it?
If you use retail to color a (for ex.) yellow furniture (for ex.) blue, is the color still considered yellow for feng shui?

No. It changes to the color used. Custom patterns have no color, feng shui-wise.

When graciegrace comes to do a fashion check do you only have one shot? Or can you try a few times in the one day to get it right? Sorry if this question has been asked before

You can keep asking him what he wants that day (he gets angry when you do). But for the fashion check, you get one shot. Even if you have multiple villagers.

who else is going to make your character cross dress LOL....just had a thought.

Already do. I have 5 outfits ranging from The Doctor (10) all the way to Sultry widow. It all depends on hair color and feel that day.

I've heard that Resetti doesn't appear in this game unless you build the surveillance center. If that is true than what is the benefit of building it?

To get their pictures. For the nostalgia. The center doesn't count for the town projects anyway, might as well build it.

For those wondering what happens instead, Shizue/Isabelle will notify you in the beginning about saving.
Can someone give me a listing of the Trump Series and the furniture names along with the costs?
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