Ask Questions about New Leaf here! (Read first before creating a thread)

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If you have your town open for visitors and you close your 3DS, can friends still come and go? Or does it disconnect when you close it.

I love the bugs/fish that have a different container from the rest when you put them down in your house like the goldfish with the bowl and the cricket with the little cage. Are there any new ones like that? Did those return?

- It stays on so yes they can still visit.
- Yes they did. :)

I know that the Link outfit has returned. Are there any other Legend of Zelda outfits like the Midna one?

- Midna's mask and Majora's mask. As well as the triforce and master sword.

Is there a list of pictures showing the items in-game?

And also the house customizations? :D

Not without getting into some serious copyright problems dur to the fact that it's quite an extensive list. So your best bet is getting them piece by piece from around the AC sites. e.g. there is no full list with pics on one site, but instead are spread around sites.
I am pretty sure there is also a Fi helmet.

How close to a wall or cliff will my neighbors put their houses? Also I have seen some trees pretty close to a river, so I was wondering if they can be placed right on the edge of a cliff or river? If their houses can't go within a certain number of squares of the cliff, wall or river, than I plan to use those spots for bamboo and delicious fruit. Since I can't predict when a house might destroy a grove, then I figured that I could plant in a line around the edge.
I am pretty sure there is also a Fi helmet.

How close to a wall or cliff will my neighbors put their houses? Also I have seen some trees pretty close to a river, so I was wondering if they can be placed right on the edge of a cliff or river? If their houses can't go within a certain number of squares of the cliff, wall or river, than I plan to use those spots for bamboo and delicious fruit. Since I can't predict when a house might destroy a grove, then I figured that I could plant in a line around the edge.

There is a Fi helmet.

Space? The houses require 2 lanes of space around. Exceptions made if near a river/cliff. They need 1 space around and 2 spaces in front.

Basing this off of the towns I've seen as well as the animals in my towns. (I have 3 at my disposal)

Trees/bamboo/bushes cannot be planted on the river edge. Some exceptions on river corners (where it turns or there is a curve). I follow the rule of thumb I've been using since WW: 8spaces around the tree must be diggable.
Does anyone know whether Valentine's day is a Japan-only holiday or not? Im sorry if this has already been answered!
What times do Nook's Stores open? is it the same every expansion?
Can you list all of the closing times from Nook's Cranny to the GracieGrace shop?
I knew about the Triforce and Master Sword. I need that Majora's Mask! Are there any pictures of the Fi Helmet?

I know that Timmy or Tommy approaches Reese in the beginning of the game in the Re-Tail store. What do they talk about when they are in there?
If you go to a korean town in your japanese game, will the signs be in korean?
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