Ask Questions about New Leaf here! (Read first before creating a thread)

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Can you go to another person's town and get an emotion?

I'm pretty sure the answer is no. I haven't tried it, but I think one of my friends did, when he got a new town, and he wasn't able to get an emotion from my town when he visited.
I could be wrong. I'm not 100% certain on this one.
I can't stand LP14's videos whatsoever. His voice and overall demeanor just annoy me. Don't ask me to explain as I just don't know.
I can't stand LP14's videos whatsoever. His voice and overall demeanor just annoy me. Don't ask me to explain as I just don't know.

Don't get me wrong I love Zed (LP14) as a person but yes I do watch his videos muted. He has what I call shotgun emotions. He's so quiet for so long and then is yelling. Loudly. And then it's quiet again. Again though I really can't be thankful enough for ANY AC:NL footage out there and he has provided our community with a veritable TON.
Zedamex and Lucarioplayer14 are not the same person lol. And yeah I feel the same way about LP14, his voice doesn't agree with me
Yeah that's what I was thinking lol Zed has an awesome English accent I could listen to for days.
But LP14 is just... Not my cup of tea. The Gioco brothers are warming up to me a bit. Though their first video annoyed me because I was like "AGRRRGHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING? D:"
Yeah that's what I was thinking lol Zed has an awesome English accent I could listen to for days.
But LP14 is just... Not my cup of tea. The Gioco brothers are warming up to me a bit. Though their first video annoyed me because I was like "AGRRRGHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING? D:"

His accent isn't english. It is Kiwi.
I did like Zed's voiceover at the beginning of his tour of the Aika Village.
Quick question can you do videos similar to others players with the game, after the game out in america for the youtube contest I just wondering.

Because I'm thinking of entering.
Quick question can you do videos similar to others players with the game, after the game out in america for the youtube contest I just wondering.

Because I'm thinking of entering.

Please rephrase? Maybe I am dumb but I don't understand what you're asking...

If you're asking if you can do videos I don't see why you cant?
If you're talking about making videos while you're playing, then there's two methods.

The first one will have you filming your gameplay of ACNL with a digital camera. Unless you've found a proper camera setup, it's definitely going to be a pain to play with it.

The second method is to capture a video directly from your 3DS, and is much more convenient to play while recording your gameplay. However, you'll need to break your warranty, as your 3DS have to be modded, and it'll cost you a lot of money for the video capture device.
Zed isn't even from England, he is from Australia. Good to know you think of him as nothing more than fruit though.

Well, according to a poster before, he's a "kiwi" so he's a fruit. And while I know that's what New Zealanders are called, I didnt know where he's from. I don't really care where he's from. He's not an important aspect of my life in any way, nor is he someone I know personally to even try to care. He could be a spoon to me for all I know.

And I never said he WAS English. I said "English accent"
Wow that was uh... kind of insensitive and pretty harsh. Whether you know Zed personally or not you should have the basic empathy to speak of him with even a little ounce of respect, like you would any other human being. |: And since you knew that's what New Zealanders call themselves, brushing it aside like that's pretty rude. Just because they're not from the same country as you doesn't mean you should be tossing them all in the same boat and copping an attitude when someone points out where they're actually from to you. Accents and culture are a big part of a person's life and who there are.

Anyways, I'm still a little confused about how the gemstone customization works with some items. Can you only use certain gemstones on certain bits of furniture? Is it like you can only use the ruby gem on red/pink colored furniture?
How is it harsh and insensitive? It was determinate88 himself who said his accent is kiwi. I'm not "tossing them all in the same boat" nor am I "copping and attitude". And where he's from was never pointed out; I said I don't care where he's from. Which is true. I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I really care whatsoever about where he's from. His ACCENT was pointed out, but then again, the same could be said for determinate when he called Zed's accent being a kiwi to then say he's from Australia. I've never met an Australian call himself a kiwi, and those I've seen being called one on other forums have been greatly offended.
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