Ask Questions about New Leaf here! (Read first before creating a thread)

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Wow that was uh... kind of insensitive and pretty harsh. Whether you know Zed personally or not you should have the basic empathy to speak of him with even a little ounce of respect, like you would any other human being. |: And since you knew that's what New Zealanders call themselves, brushing it aside like that's pretty rude. Just because they're not from the same country as you doesn't mean you should be tossing them all in the same boat and copping an attitude when someone points out where they're actually from to you. Accents and culture are a big part of a person's life and who there are.

Anyways, I'm still a little confused about how the gemstone customization works with some items. Can you only use certain gemstones on certain bits of furniture? Is it like you can only use the ruby gem on red/pink colored furniture?

Thank you for understanding the point I was trying to make. I've also seen Zed say he lives in Australia, so unless I misread what he said then I can only assume he lives in Australia. He is originally from New Zealand, but he currently resides in Australia.

Anyhow back to the ACNL questions at hand, some furniture items can use multiple gems (such as the piggy bank, the modern/two-tone series, polka dot series) but then other series can only have a specific color used on them (green series can use emerald, blue can use sapphire, lovely can use ruby, etc). So its both. Here are a few links that may help, the first one lists all the furniture remakes and has some images, the second one only has images but does not have every individual piece.

As for the noisemaker item, that can be obtained through the streetpass plaza/hh showcase. I believe if you meet the same person 10 times you receive the noisemaker.
I have three questions.

1. Is the grass wear any different in this game? I heard that if you put patterns it'll completely stop any grass from wearing down.
2. How does the Re-Tail store work? Can you change the color of any furniture item?
3. What's the max amount of villagers that you can have now?
I have three questions.

1. Is the grass wear any different in this game? I heard that if you put patterns it'll completely stop any grass from wearing down.
2. How does the Re-Tail store work? Can you change the color of any furniture item?
3. What's the max amount of villagers that you can have now?

- Grass deteriorates slower. grows back faster is taken care of. (flowers+water/precipitation everyday). patterns preserve grass.
- not any. Most. Not all. You can add patterns to several. You can even coat some with a gem sheen.
- 10 + 1 camper.
Can flowers be destroyed like in Animal Crossing Wild World?

In AC Wild World if you kept on walking on the flowers,they would be destroyed.Can they be destroyed in AC New Leaf?
Read through the whole thread (off and on, it took days!) -- lots of good information available.

My question:
Does anyone have a list of the items you can get from Isabelle if you ask her for Living Tips? I've heard you can get foreign fruit, as well as regular tools. Can you get multiple items in one day? Can you get these from day one?

Thanks in advance!
I saw in some videos that bushes are able to grow right next to trees horizontally, I don't know about vertically though. I'd imagine it's the same.
Read through the whole thread (off and on, it took days!) -- lots of good information available.

My question:
Does anyone have a list of the items you can get from Isabelle if you ask her for Living Tips? I've heard you can get foreign fruit, as well as regular tools. Can you get multiple items in one day? Can you get these from day one?

Thanks in advance!

I'm interested to know this too. :)
I have an - Interesting question
Can you plant trees directly next to bushes and have them all grow?

Yes, both horizontally and vertically. :) I usually plant the trees first to ensure they won't die. ^^;

Read through the whole thread (off and on, it took days!) -- lots of good information available.

My question:
Does anyone have a list of the items you can get from Isabelle if you ask her for Living Tips? I've heard you can get foreign fruit, as well as regular tools. Can you get multiple items in one day? Can you get these from day one?

Thanks in advance!

I think the foreign fruit you get depends on your native fruit. I have cherries as my native fruit and was given apples as my foreign fruit. All of my alt characters got apples too when they did the Living Tips.

You can choose between a net and a fishing rod and the last item you receive from her is a watering can. She also visits your tent and gives you a lantern and, once you have upgraded to a house, she will bring you wallpaper.
You can get these items on day one (except wallpaper) and it is possible to complete all of the Living Tips in the same day.
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I forgot if this was asked, but at Club Tortimer, do items not get "sold out"? Or is it first come, first serve?
Ah, splendid! Sorry for the rehash of a question then, my memory has become my worst enemy lately. Ah well, another one I have, does the island sell random bushes (like the berry one) one day and then another bush (like the white flowered one) the next day? Or are they sold only in their respective budding frame?
Ah, splendid! Sorry for the rehash of a question then, my memory has become my worst enemy lately. Ah well, another one I have, does the island sell random bushes (like the berry one) one day and then another bush (like the white flowered one) the next day? Or are they sold only in their respective budding frame?

I'm pretty sure the island only sells the Hibiscus Bushes(Yellow and Red). The Gardening store doesn't sell bushes based off blooming season considering they sold them during winter when they are all snow-covered.
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