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Will do thank you Twilight Sparkle for your help much appreciated ;)

Sorry for the editing! My iPad dislikes iOS 7 & keeps freezing! :mad:
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Hi Snow, yes it happens in the same place every time, a large T shaped part of path disappears near the plaza in my village, my path design is simple, I've not deleted it from my designs yet keep getting the same thing :/

And it looks fine until you save and reload -- something's obviously buggy in your file there.

This is the only spot that does this? Have you tried planting flowers there to see if they vanish as well? Or putting items down?
Is there some sort of trick for cycling through villagers faster? I swear I've had maybe 17 or so total and I would love to kick pretty much every one of my current ten out!!! Any advice?
I have the special tree stumps for decorative purposes (from using a silver axe) and I also have two acting as a replacement for a pwp bench because I've used all my pwps up...

Mushrooms are handy if you like to make bells the old-fashioned way. You can get them all year round if you have the special tree stumps.
Will visiting a town where the date is different affect any turnips you may be carrying?

Example: My town is at the current date (October 25) and I have turnips to sell. My friend's town has a date of September 10 and has high turnip prices. Can I travel to her town to sell my turnips or would that be considered by the game as time travelling and would spoil my turnips?

I say only time travelling backwards (or forwards past Saturday) in my own town will spoil the turnips, but they shouldn't be affected by someone else's date. However, I have no experience with this. Your experience/opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Will visiting a town where the date is different affect any turnips you may be carrying?

Example: My town is at the current date (October 25) and I have turnips to sell. My friend's town has a date of September 10 and has high turnip prices. Can I travel to her town to sell my turnips or would that be considered by the game as time travelling and would spoil my turnips?

I say only time travelling backwards (or forwards past Saturday) in my own town will spoil the turnips, but they shouldn't be affected by someone else's date. However, I have no experience with this. Your experience/opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!

Yes, turnips can be spoiled if the other town's date isn't the same as yours. It depends on what their exact date is, if it already passed the Saturday mark. You could test with 1 turnip but I wouldn't risk it.
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Hi everyone, I've got one question...
I'm about to trade my Agnes with another Crosser. But our both towns are full, it's not possible to trade, isn't it ? :(
Hi everyone, I've got one question...
I'm about to trade my Agnes with another Crosser. But our both towns are full, it's not possible to trade, isn't it ? :(

I've been able to invite someone in from a campsite while another villager was in boxes, so my first reaction is saying that it's possible. (。・_・。) I might definitely be wrong though.
Yes, turnips can be spoiled if the other town's date isn't the same as yours. It depends on what their exact date is, if it already passed the Saturday mark. You could test with 1 turnip but I wouldn't risk it.

Well, some friends of mine just tried this and no turnips were spoiled.
Will visiting a town where the date is different affect any turnips you may be carrying?

definitely not. turnips are spoiled when the time is changed for the town in which they are stored (whether it's in your locker, house, pockets, the ground, whatever). a different time or date in the town you travel to for buying or selling has no effect.
Is there anything which can prevent campers from wishing to move in?

The last three campers I have had in my town, have all declined my idea to move in.

My town currently has nine villagers, with one due to move out.
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Is there anything which can prevent campers from wishing to move in?

The last three campers I have had in my town, have all declined my idea to move in.

My town currently has nine villagers, with one due to move out.

I don't think so. But sometimes they need a lot of convincing.
Is there anything which can prevent campers from wishing to move in?

The last three campers I have had in my town, have all declined my idea to move in.

My town currently has nine villagers, with one due to move out.

Invite them repeatedly. Eventually they'll want to play a game with you to decide. If you lose, keep asking them until they ask to play the game again.

I recently got/am getting Cousteau from the campsite. It took probably 30 minutes of talking to him to finally convince him to move in, partly because I lost the game once.
Will trees regrow automatically on Tortimer's island when I cut them down?
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