Ask Sparro!

Quite annoyed by the fact that you INSULTED me on the TBT dance party.

People have feelings, you know.
But you said rude things about my face. You said rude things to Mahou, and mainly me. You even insulted my mom (Who you don't even know.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Goodnight world.
Goey: Well, before I was born we had a pet fish, apparently...But my sister accidentally killed him by feeding him a cookie...

A cookie?! Whoa...*pat pat*

Who is your favourite character from The Hunger Games?? :p
Chrome: Use the laptop or watch TV.

Beleated_Media: You don't know your beautiful - One direction.
Will you bump my thread in the tbt marketplace? It's the Halloween event Gengar one. Please and thanks :)
Um...I can't. If I go onto the TBT marketplace I will feel sad about the fact that I can't buy anything for my 3DS games. Sorry..
Playing my 3DS ( ): ) and my 360. Also using this laptop and reading, and a bit of writing every now and then.
From your reply, I assume you very much wish to. Are there any games in particular you would love to play on the Xbox One, if only you had it?