Ask Sparro!

Fifa, that's for sure. Some of the new assassins creeds and Skyrim.

I had wished for a Wii U for Christmas as a shared gift but my sisters...disagreed. Because of that we have the Xbox, but I am kind sad about it still..

- - - Post Merge - - -

Lady Black - No school yet because of teacher strike.
Glad to know someone else here likes the Wii U. I hope you get it soon despite the setback.
I have a friend who lives there too and teachers are going on strike as well.
Aha, sorry for getting personable. I figured it had to be around Vancouver though. I'm not sure if the teachers on strike is a good thing or bad. I mean, yeah, you get to be away from school, but then you'll finish school a lot later than usual.
Nah. They will probably cram it all into our minds.

Oh. I meant like... Say, school ends around June 24. They'll have to extend the days since it'll start a lot later, right? Here, it's required to have at least 180 days of school.
I don't know how long we need it here, but we migt just end up with no pro D days That will bring us at last twenty days back.
Oh lol okay.

I really ought to go now. I'll catch you... next week or so.

You would be cool to me if grammar was something you cared for, as well as the fact that you are quite rude and you usually put me down.