How do you like my monologue in Peninsula? My character was under the effects of drugs, btw.
The rain gets stronger and stronger, until I feel crushed under the pressure. I sink to the floor and my eyes begin to water. I look up, and through the downpour, I see my mother standing in the doorway. It begins to thunder.
She gives me a cold, distant look. "You have failed," she says, and those three words fill me with weakness and despair. I hang my head in sadness. I have disappointed her by being mentally weak. I could never be as strong as she hoped for me to be.
When I lift my head once more, I am in a bleak, misty forest. There is nothing but silence. The birds will not sing for me. The flowers will not blossom when I come near. I am alone.
Desperately, I begin to dig, dig into the floor so I can escape from this hell I'm living. I start to cry even more, and I lose the will to banish the pain and woe from my mind. The quiet overpowers me once more.
Silence. A torturous word. A cruel absence of love and happiness, the thing that haunts me more than anything else in the world.
I want to die.
Ha! You're not the only one that can write good things!
i luv Sparro 4eva