Don't Need Words
Ello there! Well you by chance talk like a brittish person like me good chap? It feels jolly good to get that out.
It feels jolly bad that your being stereotypical.
Ello there! Well you by chance talk like a brittish person like me good chap? It feels jolly good to get that out.
Jolly good chap! You started speaking like your old boy!
This offends my heritage, my culture and my people.
What's your favourite TV show?
i luv Sparro 4eva
Jolly good question madam! Would you like to join us in our merry good time?
Jolly good question madam! Would you like to join us in our merry good time?
Stahp isn't proper grammar old chap! That ain't jollly good!
Stahp isn't proper grammar old chap! That ain't jollly good!
Aki vs Janaff?
Foolish man! He cannot even follow the basic rules of punctuation and grammar. As such, he shall be ejected from the fun squad. Good day, sir.
I just....I just...
Don't understand what is going on...
i luv Sparro 4eva
Stahping now.
Do you like meat or veggies?
You and Sparro are one.
You and Sparro are one.
Who and who are what?
It feels like I missed out on something here...
Oh well.