Sort of. I'm the only child of my parents, but I have a bunch of genetic half siblings whose parents chose the same sperm donor. I've met one of them in person and exchanged emails with three more.
Art. Creativity is vital for my right-brained self. Ironically, I hated high school English, on the other hand, because it was mostly about reading and analyzing these old, boring-ass stories that I was never interested in.
In terms of how much I understood it, AP Macroeconomics. It was a college-level class in high school full of complicated information and assignments that were very difficult, and I have reason to believe it was a source for my current hatred of higher-education schools. That class nearly made me lose graduating credits. At least I had a ton of cool classmates.
I've been to a few, but I'd honestly have to say Dream Theater because not only am I familiar with their music and love listening to them, but they were AMAZING! Definitely I band I'd love to go see again if i had the money
Do you enjoy outside relative visits? (Aunts/Uncles/Cousins/ect.)
My Mom's side, mostly yes as they're cool and live out-of-state. My Dad's side, eh. Some of his older relatives are not in the best of health, and his brother (my uncle) basically estranged himself from the rest of the family after their dad (my grandpa) passed away. Let's just say that I'm usually not in a decent mood when I have to go see them.
Do you like a light or heavy weight of blankets on your bed?