• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

ask the below user a question!

Anything blueberry!

What are some of your favorite video game soundtracks?
Ooo, most of the pokemon games (including mysery dungeon), animal crossing (ww and nl), genshin, undertale and earthbound I also very much enjoy!

Same q?
Too many to list, but my favorites...

- Xenoblade Chronicles OST
- Fire Emblem OST
- Pokemon OST
- Animal Crossing OST
- Shin Megami Tensei OST
- Genshin OST

Probably more, but I can't think of them nor do I want to list them all out.

Do you like fruits or vegetables more?
Fruits. Love my blueberries, starfruit, apples, etc.

Do you fall asleep easily?
Normally, no. I have a lot of trouble falling asleep but I have medication that does help.

How's your year going so far?
Very bleh. A whole lotta nothin’ and a whole lotta complainin’. I made a resolution to try and maintain my positivity; I suppose it isn’t working as well as I made it out to be. I guess something to ultimately look forward to is more Grand Theft Auto VI content being discussed, but that’s pretty much it so far.

Do you tend to stay up late often (past 12AM your time)?
Lord no, not anymore. Even on breaks it's been a struggle

Would you say your outlook on life is generally positive or negative? Why?
Positive for a lot of reasons, some that would take too long to list. But basically for as much bad as there is in the world, there's a lot of good too. I want to continue living because my future looks good, but also because I don't want to miss out on all the experiences and short, but beautiful moments that make life so great.

Same question?
That is a really good question. In fact, it’s a question that deserves its own topic. I feel like it’s a mixed bag for me, but I’d say I lean more towards positive, because I want to do my part to better the world and alleviate the negative aspects of life by doing something that l love 💗 And I hope other people will do their part too in some way, shape or form ^^

do you live alone or with family members? How do you feel about your living conditions?
With family. It's uh... not great. One of the big problems is the house being old and falling apart. I don't think it's ever going to be in the same condition it was when I was a child.

What is your favorite video game or video game franchise?
hmhmhmm stardew valley or skies of arcadia, it's too hard to pick !!!!!!

u can only play one for the rest of ur life: fortnite or minecraft ?
Damn good question! So many come to mind...it might be 'Haven' by Dark Tranquillity though. It's a tough pick!

Same q?
Man, I like too many. I’d say my favorite album that combines a lot of the genres I like into one is Alan Parsons’ Try Anything Once. It’s got electric guitars, smooth synthesizers, saxophones, energetic moments, calm moments, and great guest vocals. If you like late 80’s-90’s rock, I’d recommend it.

What is a show you watched and liked as a kid, that you don’t think of highly now?
Breadwinners. Saying I don’t think very highly of it anymore might be an understatement. But there’s a lot of shows, and episodes of good shows, I used to like that I now realize were pretty bad.

Same q?