Ask The Poster Above You a Question!

Japan. It's mostly because my grandmother was Japanese, but she died very early in my life. So in a way, it's always felt like I've been missing a part of my heritage. I want to go to Japan and explore the culture as much as I can. I want to find the village where my grandmother grew up and see what it's like.

What's a bad habit of yours?
Smoking is probably the worst but I am just filled with bad habits.

What do you consider your best quality (personality not physical)
around 30 hours when I was 7 cause I just couldn't sleep at all one day and wow I wish I was still like that now.

What was the longest span of time you spent in continuous sleep?
2 days straight. When I was going through puberty, I had really bad insomnia. It's long passed now.

Be honest, if you were to get super powers do you think that you would use them for the wrong reasons? (beating up people you don't like, scamming money, that kind of stuff.)

What is your favorite type of cleanser?


Um, yes I would actually use them for evil, never for scamming purposes though. Just like for revenge and stuff like that.

What is your favorite type of cleanser?
Audience interaction. That's honestly the coolest part about magic shows, because it feels real.

Do you want/have kids? If so, what do you want/ what are their names?
That's kind of hard to eliminate, since I'm kind of strange.
Well I had a friend, and we used to leave potatoes on people's doorsteps with anonymous notes on them, most of them nonsense. We made a facebook page where we answered questions anonymously, and our name was Prankster Potatoman. This went on for about four months before anyone figured out who we were.

What's the most illegal thing you have done?
No unfortunately. My family moved around lots growing up so I lost contact quickly. Sad sad sad. Lots of upset diary entries right there.

Do you have a ring on?
No, in fact I lose jewelry so much that my engagement and wedding rings will have to be tattoo'd lol.

Who from the forum is your #1 choice to wifi with? if anyone.
In AC:NL...Treasu(red) : D But I mean I can easily pick 5 people that would be my first choices to wifi with. Just the fact that Treasure came to my ACCF town one time puts her over the top. :p

I like that question so who from the forum is YOUR #1 choice to wifi with?
Probaby JezDay. I don't wifi a whole lot, but him and I have been talking about playing together a lot.

What is your favorite talent that you have?