Ask The Poster Above You a Question!

People who don't listen. I mean this in general. There are some people who don't listen to others opinions and just shut anyone who doesn't agree with them out. There are also some some people who don't even listen to simple instructions or stories. Both annoy me to no end.

What do you tease your friends about?
In AC:NL...Treasu(red) : D But I mean I can easily pick 5 people that would be my first choices to wifi with. Just the fact that Treasure came to my ACCF town one time puts her over the top. :p

I like that question so who from the forum is YOUR #1 choice to wifi with?

DAWWWW <3 You were so fun to wifi with. Your letters always made me laugh, and you helped me out a lot w/ non native fruit :l
You're my #1 too (but you're kinda tied with Justin, and Thunderstruck. They're so mysterious and never reply to Swapnotes :O )

@Juicebox: I tease them about whether they've got a crush on someone or not. :D

QUESTION IS!! Do you have crush on someone?? *teases*
Sorta. It's more like love. It's a long story that's complicated and doesn't make sense. At the moment, idk how he feels about me. It's always changing whether he wants me or not.

Have you ever had someone hate you because you rejected their offer to be their significant other?
Yeah. This one guy was hitting on me during class. I told him I was a lesbian and he replied with "your loss" and brooded in the corner for the rest of the day.

What's something that isn't their personality that makes someone instantly attractive to you?
A sense that they're a very strong and stable. Like their feet are planted in the earth with deep roots, or like they're a tall pillar. People with humility and confidence are the best. I can't help but immediately admire them. It shows me they know what they believe in, and know who they are, and have withstood opposition. My husband and our pastor are both like this and I greatly respect them. It's very difficult for me to genuinely like someone I don't respect.

What's something about someone's looks that makes you swoon? ;P The guys or the girls either
Green eyes. I have this huge thing for green eyes, like, you could be a bald 100 year old lady with one eye, but as long as it's green, I would still give her a 5/10.

What has been your favorite video game system?
I guess the Nintendo 3DS cause I love portable systems and the analog stick really makes it awesome!

What is your most expressed emotion?
I dunno. Having my own cartoon would be amazing, and more than anything I could hope for. I really wish I could be an actress too.

What's something that you think is funny, but no one else seems to laugh at?
Chinface. I've always found upside down talking chins HILARIOUS ever since I was a kid; they have to be talking in a video or in a gif though, still pictures just aren't the same.

Whenever you have a problem or are just upset, do you find it easy to talk about it or do you keep your feelings to yourself?
Keep them inside. Talking about it has only caused things to get worse, or at least in my experience. I write on the sadness thread occasionally though, because nobody on here knows me well enough to have a bad reaction.

Have you ever trolled on the internet?
Eh, not really. I like the show, and some of the fan music is well made. However, Rainbow Factory just can't really seem to agree on a specific genre. The voice sounds robotic, but the accompaniment is heavy and almost brassy, so it just doesn't mesh.

Do you like being barefoot?
Not at all. After swimming I will always have to put on sandals or socks and shoes on afterward or just wrap my feet in a towel. :p I just can't stand being barefoot yuck!

Do you sleep in your socks?
Nope. My feet always get way too hot. I sleep barefoot unless I'm freezing.

What's something that makes you super nostalgic?
The smell of Spring. It reminds me of basically everything from years ago. <3

Do you prefer heavy downpours or windy drizzles?
Depends. Sometimes a lot of rain is good, sometimes only a bit is good.

What game do you wish Nintendo would make/buy the rights to.
I'm not sure. I kind of like where most games are now, because although I love Nintendo, I can't exactly see them making a game like Bioshock.

Katamari Damacy seems like something in their area though. I love that game, but I haven't been able to play it since the PS2 era.

Do you like anyone right now? (not creative, I know). If so, what are they like?
he is pe teacher at school and he is very hot and this is our anthem;

(that is us being rude to the people trying to work out)

What is your favorite piece of clothing