Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!

I think my brother did better than you in League, Jubs, if that's what you're talking about

- - - Post Merge - - -

He's like some sort of diamond rank I think,
... I read Admin as satan. so the question read as "How do I become a mod/Satan?"

... Leave me a lone I'm slurpy.
Diamond is pretty good, yes

I don't play every day so I'm at level 10 or 11 but I would rank myself as a high bronze in skill (though I'm not in any rank yet). I've seen videos of bronze players and they are just....god I need to level up and get out of bronze as soon as I can.

On that note, I'll go play a game I guess
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Jas0n do you still have the Christmas Pack thing (signature contest last year), I lost the file so is it okay if you give me a link?
Would it be okay to post my giveaway contest on both the ReTail and Villager Trading forums, since it is for Julian, Bells, Balloons, and Hybrids? So far I have just posted it on the Villager Trading forum.

Mods? May I please?
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