Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!

I'd suggest either make two different giveaways - one for Julian in the vtp and then one in retail for the other items, or simply just make the giveaway thread for Julian in the vtp (as it'd get more attention there) and hold the other gifts as bonuses

Ok looks like you did option #2, probably the better option :)
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I'd suggest either make two different giveaways - one for Julian in the vtp and then one in retail for the other items, or simply just make the giveaway thread for Julian in the vtp (as it'd get more attention there) and hold the other gifts as bonuses

Ok looks like you did option #2, probably the better option :)
Okay, thanks for replying. :)
Now I know for next time, too. :)
You are most welcome friend ����
Hmm I cant remember if I asked this But How do I become A mod? Or um How can one become a mod?
Hmm I cant remember if I asked this But How do I become A mod? Or um How can one become a mod?

Right. It's complicated so brace yourself. First of all, one needs to become a ninja. Then, one must watch all episodes of adventure time. Lastly, one must be a florist.

jk. I have no idea what I'm talking about but once in a while (I think) theres a thread where you can apply yourself or someone can vote or campaign (I think again) for you. But you have to be really.... Modish? Like sensible and not bump more than once in 2 hours :rolleyes: and you have to of joined for a bit (well you don't but more likely you'll become one, as you can see most mods have joined for a bit before they are senpai's.) IDK IF THERE'S AN AGE LIMIT BUT YEAH
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Hmm I cant remember if I asked this But How do I become A mod? Or um How can one become a mod?

When the staff feel like there needs to be more staff, they open applications up. You have to be a member for a while (you have been a member in less than three months) and be skilled in certain situations. All staff know how to upload pictures too, lol
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How do you name one of those spoiler things?

Never mind, figured it out!
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When the staff feel like there needs to be more staff, they open applications up. You have to be a member for a while (you have been a member in less than three months) and be skilled in certain situations. All staff know how to upload pictures too, lol

Gotta have appropriate flavour-of-the-month avatars too
hello staff !

may i request that users will get a notification via pm if their thread was moved, deleted etc. ?

thanks uvu
Why is there a space between n and t in my usertitle :c I have tried changing it 100 times but it won't work. AND YES, I DID TYPE IT CORRECTLY D:
I thought we did get this?

At least I recall getting a PM when a thread was moved.

I think,

no thats why i get confused and make my deleted threads again which lands me banned again. the staff need better communication
hello staff !

may i request that users will get a notification via pm if their thread was moved, deleted etc. ?

thanks uvu

Normally if a thread is moved I'll leave a redirect thread in the board it was previously in (granted it expires within 24 hours)

But I'll try to keep this in mind the next time.