Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!

Thunder and I like to box with each other sometimes but it's all friendly.

it can get pretty intense sometimes...


So I was reading a really old thread, and I stumbled across this "collectible." View attachment 53492

Can any Staff members explain what this is? Is it perhaps a collectible from TBT 1.0? I'm really curious.

@staffs please explain or we might keep asking about it <3

it's just a placeholder iirc.
i only know you and Jennifer!

Do some digging around in the old topics and you might find some green names. Or just go to the first page of this one.

If you do go look at ancient topics please don't post in them. I will nuke your account if you do. :D
What did you lot do here before you became members of staff?

I was a useless member of this society.

Why was the pok?ball on sale for 74TBT? Weird question, I know, but that's such a random number!

I think Jeremy and Justin were debating on selling it for either 75 or 72 bells, so they went with the happy medium.*

*It's 4am so this information may not be accurate.
have you ever had to charge something
but it wouldn't charge unless you held the charger in a certain position
Means your jack is dead or your cable hookup is messed up and not meeting the connectors properly within the wire. Can usually be fixed by a splice, or re soldering the equipment to the board.