Depending on where you live, what is the most likely thing to crawl down your throat tonight?
Depending on where you live, what is the most likely thing to crawl down your throat tonight?
If you have any site related questions please post in the new thread!
So pretty much Ask the Staff is turning into an AMA. Have fun in the inevitable confusion.
I accidently gave a good person negative feedback, is there anyway I can change my feedback or have you guys fix it? Their user is Tenocht
Who's the meanest staff member?
Does the staff gossip a lot?
Do all the staff members have bio's or can you tell me about yourself a bit? =) AND do you guys not play ACNL that much anymore... I don't think I've seen you guys posting on the boards before in retail and whatnot (I am still fairly new.) =P
If Kaiaa is the "meanest", who is the nicest?
Do all the mods in IRC, when not talking, watch our conversations and judge us from afar.