Adding onto this question, is Justin the same Justin that made the Insider sites?
Insider sites? I'm not sure what you mean, so I suppose the answer is probably no.
Adding onto this question, is Justin the same Justin that made the Insider sites?
Insider sites? I'm not sure what you mean, so I suppose the answer is probably no.![]()
a totally original question: is it fun being a moderator?
and don't you guys sometimes feel like you want to actually participate in the activities you make (for the lack of better wording) like the tbt events?
Not staff anymore, but I can lend my ten cents. Mods usually can't participate in events that are being run for a few reasons, namely unfairness or having access to answers. As for it being fun.. it had its ups and downs.
i remember having to intervene in an auction because two people were fighting over punchy, i'd probably consider that a down.
How long did ya'll spend on the site before becoming staff?
unmod andyb and prof gallows in steam group ?? they're still mods there.
I don't think it's much of an issue. We haven't exactly used that group for anything in a long time.
Did Justin force you all into using those new avatars?
Did Justin force you all into using those new avatars?
Super late I know, but by any chance could I get this negative rating removed?
I sent in a report about it a while back (specifically the automated PM, as I couldn't find a button to report the rating itself in the feedback page), since I am close to 100% positive I have never interacted with this person ever. And have certainly never interacted with them in an online session.
Sent you a PM.
Also ps this kinda stuff should go in the other ask thread
Why is Fleur so cool?