whatcha want (make it cheapish pls spare my wallet)Buy me food?
it expireswhat happens if u get a warning and it expires?
Pasta is funThen what do you like to eat Tom?
boba is fantastic, pudding in it sounds interestingi got really good boba and it has pudding inside it oh dear lord praise thee
i have gotten 2 potg but it wasn't in my highlights, so i could rewind it. i'll have to have my phone by me. btw suicide squad was pretty eh, the movie jump to nerve was SO WORTH IT. nerve is really good plus i love dave franco
Rightleft or right
Ford Truck Silver. Candy Apple Red even though it probably wouldn't match. If we're talkin dream cars a Ferrari Spider in that paint scheme would be fantastic.oh i also need to put a question:
do you have car and what color is it and what color do you wish it would be and why and what car would you get ?? (i asked my friend that question and he blocked me for 2 minutes.)
i hope you like five guysbuy me cheeseburger pls
it just does and it was fatebut wut does it mean if it expires, and why do all the mods have a name for a username?
Fantastici do actually aye
I'll try emSo how about some lasagna rolls?
Nothin really wrong with bein a weeb unless you're Byungo the Elfmy brother makes fun of me for being a "weeb" and being on the forum 24/7 : (
AlfredoMarinate or Alfredo?
Just a fan after Person of Interest. Been meaning to check out his latest movie though.Do you look like Jim Caviezel? Or just a fan? c: