Mm... Rather than stuff to do, I keep thinking of stuff to witness. I would love to witness the end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I would love to see the decline in human trafficking. I would love to witness the Philippines and Mexico become among the largest national economies in the world as several intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations are predicting. I would love to see a closing of the gap between Global North and Global South. I would like to see colonization of the Moon or Mars. I would love to see a woman become President of the United States. I would love to see women make enormous gains closing the technology/computing/coding gap the way they have as doctors (i.e., a 24 September STEM conference showed that women made up 5% of doctors from the 1970s-2002, but that from that time to 2012 that percentage rose to 52%, but for technology the 2002-2010 percentage remains 10%). I would love to see the United States become a far less militaristic nation. I would love to see more Indian nations within the States become more independent and prosperous, rather than rotting in Third-World-like 'reservations.' I would love to see it become less and less acceptable for people to die on the streets because they did not have the means to survive: survival-of-the-fittest in nature does not necessarily translate into great social policy. Etc., etc.What's one thing you'd love to do before you die?
I spend a lot of time writing and reading, so those would be my primary seclusive hobbies. I have also spent a lot of time in clubs, such as the history club. As a club, we were really just a small group that went on trips all the time with the $1000 we made in a school contest. For instance, there was the trip to Mission Inn in Riverside, San Juan Capistrano, San Bernardino County Museum, etc. The poetry club was fun but I stopped going this semester because I have less time, and also because the club feels more 'elitist' to me now. Oh, and I love to play basketball on the weekends at any of the local school courts.Do you have any hobbies?
That would be Christmas.Whats your favorite holiday?
Despite the rampant commercialism, I love the atmosphere. I love the excuse to plan events with the family. I love the seasonal food items, such as gingerbread cookies and eggnog. And I love the music, which I listen to all year long. Going back to the atmosphere, I also have the icicle lights lit up around my house (instead of traditional year-round external lights) right now, as I think they are never out of season.And whats your favorite thing to do on that holiday? 8)
Very much. Every day, if I am not writing, I am still thinking about writing; it is an addiction. As mentioned to other members who have asked me, I am working on scenes for 'The Mapmakers,' a short story now being made into a novella. I figure that, to be a writer, I should actually write, unlike a lot of people who call themselves writers but then say the last time they wrote was months ago.You are very lengthy with your answers. It's very nice. Do you like writing?
Hi, Sugargalaxy. Not sure if you ever questioned me before, but if this is your first time, thank you for joining the topic.What is your favorite AC game in the series? Or is ACNL the first AC game you've played?
Nope. Hope you are not enraged, either.Are you mad?
Yes, I believe people feel affection for each other all the time. And I believe sympathy is the basis for morality, which is why Jesus' mercy appeals more to moralists than His anger. That point about casting the first stone is more readily cited by someone wishing to bring people together than the point about reminding people where they go if they believe the wrong things, or act the wrong way.Believe in love?
I have plenty to do, but I keep raising it procrastination. I would get more work done if I stopped listening to so much music, but that ain't happening.Uhhhh are you kind of bored?
I can concentrate with that song you linked me to. I love piano, as well, but I am not always feeling classical. Also, even the faintest hint of conversation in the background will destroy my concentration: I will have to find out what they are talking about.You can work and do music?8) Piano music works!And people humming...
Right now, math. The only reason I do not have a degree yet. Although I have been getting high scores, I spend every night pulling my hair out over it, so to speak. Even music I like would only help me pay less attention to the instructions for equations.Interesting 8).Well what do you need to work on?