Auction Auctioning Francine and Chrissy

First post on this forum :3 They're both my dreamies.

I'm a fan of super cute villagers so I have Apple, Maple and Cheri at the moment! I would absolutely love to take them both, but I'd need to cycle out another villager first.

Either way, I'll put down a 3m bell bid to take them as a pair to a happy home!
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Ahh welcome to this forum c: I hope you enjoy your time here!

Do you mind if I place 1.5 mil down for both of them then? I'll have to place a price for the auction to go on. Thank you!
I think I'll shorten the auctioning time.

auction for both. Chrissy and Francine ends in 6 hours, at GMT 1:00am
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Thank you for the offer! I have updated the list, once again. Chrissy goes for higher for some reason haha.
Oh boy, it's 5:20am where I am so I hope I won't miss the end of this auction, but I might be asleep when it ends. If I do win any, I hope we can wait until tomorrow ><

I'm still winning on Francine but I'm not sure how much the ice set is worth to you, so I'll put 4mill on Chrissy.
How much is the ice set worth to you? I also have hybrids, dlcs, saharah walls/floors and sloppy furniture I can add to cutiepiecat's bid
Hi, so I wanted to give you 2.2mil + ice set, princess set and the sweets set. All for chrissy! Thank you!
That's a lot to beat! I have no idea of the numerical value of sets since I'm still kinda new to ACNL!

I can offer 8mill for Chrissy though.
Sorry OMG was at other people's town selling turnips hahha. Well, I'll end the big here, as promised.
Error placed 1.5 million on Francine, and 8 mil for Chrissy, but it all depends on if he decides to hold his offer or not c:
Isn't 2.2m + 3 Unorderable sets worth more than 8m? Minties also said she could add stuff

Edit: I only want Chrissy
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