Sour of Abnaxus
Headbutting Jellyfish
...Universal language? And what would that be?
Love? Esperanto?
...Universal language? And what would that be?
...Universal language? And what would that be?
2) I was on the island with a guy and we were just fishing/swimming, not chatting much but it was all fine. Then this girl arrives and starts harassing him and basically begging sex. She kept saying things like "I want you to... (enter explicit message with a lot of stars)" When he ignored her, she started on me, asking if I was a lesbian. We both ignored her and she soon got bored and left, but we both laughed after she'd gone.
3) Yesterday a girl came in claiming to be 12 years old and pregnant after being raped by 3 guys last year. At first I was trying to be sympathetic but her story fell apart as I asked more questions and she kept contradicting herself. In the end it was clear she was lying for attention and she left.
4) I've had people come in, cut down all the trees, then leave. No idea...
...Universal language? And what would that be?
i troll the trolls.
If someone arrives and starts chopping trees and bushes, I borrow an axe and start joining in. They get confused and leave.
- - - Post Merge - - -
If someone was on club tortimer and took their 3ds somewhere with them, she/he would get an error message and disconnect, same applies with the other people on the island. Same with bad internet connection.
I remember there was a girl on tumblr who got accused of trolling because she stayed at the counter with Leilani. Her rebuttal was that her internet connection went out, and everyone ate it up and started sending hate to person who made the post about her. Her excuse was obvious BS because she would've been disconnected from CT, and the other person on the island would've been sent back home.
...Universal language? And what would that be?