Trading Bam is ready

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oh i thought you meant you were cycling and may get her, I dont want to make a fuss and have you buy her elsewhere just to trade to me!
But I REALLY want Bam, so lol, Yes, I will happily buy Apple to trade for Bam.
oh i see well he is in boxes, so as soon as possible is great, so you said youd be able to hold apple till i can claim her?
Yes. I can hold Apple, f you aren't ready yet. Give me just a few minutes.

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I just got Zell to ping me to move. I'm gonna offer him as a giveaway for ten minutes if that's ok so I will actually have room in my main town for Bam. I also verified for Apple, so she is yours as soon as she is ready to move. Will be soon, but like I said, I can hold her for you if you need me to.
No prob! Go eat!

I'm ready for you now, so just let me know when you get back. Apple is ready too, so if you want to try and get her after I pick up Bam, you can. If she won't come to your town, I can go get her and hold her for you.
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okay back now, i saw apple in my plaza today and i hear that means she still cant move. So a hold may be in order please
No prob. i can hold her for you. I added you. I can come whenever you're ready.
thank you for you offer wolf, but apple is a lost love of mine. Hope you can find him soon

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daco please add my alt fc:0920-0128-8246
I'm tanning on my main file :p

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ready for visitors

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Bam has found a good home!
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