Barter & Trade Materials/Items Here!

Looking for stacks of iron and wood. Maybe one or two stacks of soft/hard wood as well. I can pay you in NMT, a few spare DIYs, or igb depending on what you’re after. Dm me please!
Looking for regular wood, i can pay in bells or trade other materials
Selling the following mats:

Bamboo Pieces x 180 (2NMT per stack)
Hardwood x 120 (1NMT per stack)
Softwood x 120 (1NMT per stack)
Wood x 60 (2NMT per stack)
Young Spring Bamboo x 90 (3NMT per stack)
Clay x 120 (1NMT per stack)
Iron Nuggets x 330 (1NMT per stack)
Stones x 120 (1NMT per stack)
Giant Clams x 20 (3NMT per stack or 1NMT for 3)
Brick Fencing x 27 (1NMT for all)

stack = 30 (except for the giant clams which is stack = 10)

PM if interested
Hi all
I have the following fossils for trade...

Deiony tail
Dimetrodon skull
Diplo chest
Diplo tail
Left quetzal wing
Mammoth torso
Megacero tail 2
Pachysarus skull
Parasaur skull 3
Parasaur tail
Parasaur torso
Plesio skull + tail
Right quetzal wing
Spino skull
Spink tail
Stego skull

Looking for...

Shark-tooth pattern
Opthalmo Skull
Stego Torso
Ankylo Torso
Ankylo Tail
Pachycephalo Torso
Brachio Pelvis
Megacero Torso

PM me if interested.

Looking to trade hybrids 1:1 - My Pink & Orange roses for your Purple hyacinths and mums or green mums. Pm me if interested, I've about 10 of each colour available at the moment. I can throw in something extra as well if necessary!
I'm looking for the cherry blossom bonsai, cherry blossom clock, cherry blossom pochette, cherry blossom tree wall, and the sakura wood wall.

I have the cherry blossom viewing lantern, cherry blossom flooring, sakura wood flooring, outdoor picnic set, cherry blossom umbrella, and the cherry blossom petal pile.
Looking to trade 1 large star fragment for 1 stack of regular bamboo + 2 regular star fragments for 1 stack of young bamboo

I could give you some roses for your red hyacinths!

Mabel is in my town today as well
Are you looking for the bamboo or star frags? I have bamboo, looking for star frags.
I need a cherry blossom pond stone and sakura wood walls if anyone has those I can offer up cherry tree walls a viewing lantern and the recipe fo cherry tree walls i can also give sakura wood flooring it doesn't need to be diy's the item themselves will suffice
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EDIT: A friend helped me buy the seeds I'm looking for.
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Selling Mats!

Materials: (Price is for a stack of 30)
Bamboo Pieces (x210): 2NMT
Hardwood (x120): 1NMT
Softwood (x150): 1NMT
Wood (x60): 2NMT
Young Spring Bamboo (x90): 2NMT
Clay (x180)
Iron Nuggets (x360): 1NMT (Buy 1 Get 1 Free! 60 Iron for 1 NMT!)
Stones (x120): 1NMT

Materials: (Price is for a stack of 10)
Giant Clams (x30): 1NMT

DM if interested!
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