Barter & Trade Materials/Items Here!

Hey guys, I'm planning to make my whole island a completely giveaway and free flower island. There are no trees, no decorations, no furniture, really nothing, besides all animals' houses and buildings. All I have is giant empty grass for flowers to grow. I fast ran the whole island, it was really big when there's nothing besides buildings. So my basic idea is that everyone can come over, water some flowers and only take hybrids. I don't need any tip or diy or furniture, nothing in return.

But to make this happen sustainably and fair for whoever comes to my island and to stop those who try to sabotage my island/flowers, I do need some good and constructive ideas. So here are some of my ideas and questions.

1. Everyone needs to water flowers. I think it's only fair before you get some free hybrid flowers, you water some of the flowers that haven't been waters by others. Doing this doesn't only show your gratitude but also it does increase the chance of getting more hybrid flowers next day. But my question is how many flowers should every visitor water? I'm not able to really calculate how many flowers I can possibly have when I eventually have flowers all over my island, but there're going to be tons of flowers needed to be watered everyday. So ... thoughts?

2. How many hybrid(s) can each visitor take per trip? Or only one trip allowed everyday?

3. What rules to take those more rare hybrids? For example, green mums, blue and golden roses?

4. Plant certain flowers more than others? I assume that there should be all types of flowers on my island. But take roses for example, they do need more generations and time to give different hybrids. So should we plant more roses? Or other flowers in more demand?

5. Layout ideas? As I mentioned, my intentions are not to make my island the way I want. I want it to be effective, easy and convenient and completely FREE for every visitor. So any thoughts?

6. Planting? I have no problem providing all the seeds and love to take donations of seeds because I assume it's going to take lots of seeds to really have flowers all over the land. But planting all of them could be confusing and taking forever for myself to plan and plant by myself. I do need some help of this. Thoughts?

7. Rules to stop people who intentionally sabotage our flower island? I can't really think of any honestly. Thoughts?
I'll be online in next two hours. And I'm remodeling my whole island. So all the trees are gone and all the fruits are on the ground. Please come get them right now. I'm not exaggerating, you can easily get 400 fruits per trip and make multiple trips if you want! Only one thing, please don't pick my flowers or run over them. I don't need anything in return. Dodo code: 5B231. First come first served.
Looking for 2 stacks of iron. Either I can pay you with igb or I can trade you 2 stacks of stone
Looking for 2 stacks of iron. Either I can pay you with igb or I can trade you 2 stacks of stone
if your still online id love to!
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Im looking to trade LOTS of stone stacks for iron and or clay stacks!
Looking to trade my Clay for Stone, 1:1, any amount up to 1000 units. (about 33 stacks)
LF stacks of skinny, round, and flat mushrooms! Also stacks of acorns. Will pay IGB and NMT! Also tbt but I don't think I have much
Would anyone be willing to sell a blue rose for 1 nmt or any flower. I have every flower except for green mums and purple pansies. Message me if you have an offer and I'll give you my friend code.
I’m still looking to trade for wood stacks if anyone has any 🥺 I have softwood, hardwood, clay, and extra DIYs to trade for them.
looking for stacks of wood, and any type of mushrooms. name your price!
I'm once more diving into this thread in search for cherry-blossom flooring OR 6 cherry petals! Could anyone help me out with this? I've got plenty of things to barter with, I hope
LF: stacks of summer shells
FT: stacks of 30 hardwood, softwood, iron, clay, stacks of 10 cherry blossom petals, nmt
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