Basement Dwellers

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Well before the video starts remember to like and subscribe, and don't forget to check out my patreon to get epic titles on my discord server, also check out for epic merch and use code yeet for a 1% off my 50 dollar hoodie
Well before the video starts remember to like and subscribe, and don't forget to check out my patreon to get epic titles on my discord server, also check out for epic merch and use code yeet for a 1% off my 50 dollar hoodie
Now on to the video, so epic fortniters dabbed on ya boi plz go meme them okay bye *repeats stuff about shop*
but before we do that lets hear a word from our sponsor
Today's video is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the video description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!
but before we do that lets hear a word from our sponsor
Today's video is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the video description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!
No more 🅱 emojis guys
It's not that specifically. We've left the thread open so that you can have a place to chat. If it's just random content (like the past page or so has been) instead of an actual conversation then the thread is just a pointless spam dump - which is not what we want on TBT.
but before we do that lets hear a word from our sponsor
Today's video is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the champions in the game can be customized with unique gear that changes your strategic buffs and abilities! The dungeon bosses have some ridiculous skills of their own and figuring out the perfect party and strategy to overtake them's a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Raid has almost a perfect score on the Play Store! The community is growing fast and the highly anticipated new faction wars feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in the arena! It's easier to start now than ever with rates program for new players you get a new daily login reward for the first 90 days that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the video description, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 silver and a free epic champion as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!
No please no raid shadow legends I’ve been banished from there
I kinda hate how mobile gaming is all "pay to win"
Rant alert: if you don’t want to hear me scream dont open the spoiler
you have been warned
I hate how all of the mobile games use the same assets, and are all marketed the same way. DURR! “99% CAN’T GET PAST THIS LEVEL!” Like seriously, is the same person cranking out all these games? I remember when the Free mobile charts were games that developers made to make people happy and not get cash. Sure, they had a few ads, but it was overall a great experience. Now, it’s AD AFTER EVERY SINGLE LEVEL! MY MOM VS MY DAD. AAAAHG I HATE THE DEVELOPMENT SCENE IN IOS
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