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i was looking for island flags and came across this beauty
Noice! I’m going to be having dinner in like half an hour and I’ll have some other stuff to do so I won’t be able to open for a whileWoohoo, magazine donefelt so good dropping that pen. Now I can finally open my game without worrying about it
Noice! I’m going to be having dinner in like half an hour and I’ll have some other stuff to do so I won’t be able to open for a while
I’m staying up late so it’s all good!I am very drained right now and I expect to crash in about half an hour. It will have to wait until I am awake some time.![]()
lol I remember that
i think it's good!can someone read this and tell me what they think?Tap, tap, tap...that was the sound all of our feet were making against the rugged sidewalk. There was no cars or any sort of hustle and bustle that would drown out the sound of our steps. Tap, tap, tap...why were they so loud? Why is it so dark? Why does it seem like suddenly our home was so far? It’s only a ten minute walk yet, it feels like every second is extended and every minute is an hour. “Just keep calm Hoshi you’re freaking yourself out.” I told myself as I took a deep breath trying not to panic. I kept walking along the sidewalk in between my parents trying to keep as close as possible in order to feel safe. I am not so sure why but, I felt as if though something was out here. This night just feels too eerie for something not to be hiding out here. “Mom do you remember the way back home it seems like we have been walking for ages..” I asked my mother it a low hushed tone as I clutched the box of cake Disco had given. “Huh? Yeah of course I do! It was a straight walk to the shop so we’ll go straight the way we came. Quit your worrying Hoshi we’re almost home.” My mother had said in a soft but stern voice. My father said nothing and instead nodded in agreeance of his wife. The aura around us feels so tense as if something had a grip all around around us. We continued our walk for another ten minutes where we finally reached our home. I had never been so happy to return the hole in the wall we called a home. I watched in anticipation as my mom jiggled the handle to the front door of our home. She jiggled and twisted the handle for what seem like forever but, after about five minutes my mom finally got the door open. My mom walked into our house and my dad followed sue. I was just walk into our home but, something had in the distance had caught my eye. It appeared like a white flash of light. I wanted to explore and understand what I just saw but my mom had called inside and a wave of exhaustion had soon washed over me as I stepped inside my home and closed the door behind me.I was too tired to even want to enjoy the cake I was given. I walked over to the small dining room table that was adjacent to our kitchen and placed the box of cake on the table. Once I did that I quickly went to my room and took off my shoes. Once I did that, I plopped onto my bed and closed my eyes waiting for my mind and body to go to sleep. I didn’t even bother to greet Chiho like I usually do.
The next morning I had found myself tucked into my bed and my glasses were placed on the night stand that was next to my bed. I don’t even remember putting them there I didn’t think much of it and assumed Chiho took off my glasses in the middle of the night so I wouldn’t break them. I move a lot in my sleep so maybe I tucked myself into bed. Not that it really mattered anyways. I sat up in my bed stretched as I let out a small yawn. I looked at the clock on my night stand and checked the time. It had read seven o’ seven. “That’s a strange to wake up in the morning..”* I thought to myself. “Good morning Hoshi! How did you sleep?” Chiho asked me with a smiling on his face. He floated next to my bed side glowing blue as usual. His arctic chilled somehow filled my heart with warmth. Chiho always had a way of making me feel calm. “Oh I slept well thanks for asking. I’m going to for once go out today on my own. I saw something last night and I wanna see if I’ll find it again.” When I turned to see his face his color had changed from blue to bright yellow and his mouth and eyes were so wide with shock that if his face were any wider all of the world could see his face. “You’re going to go outside on your own and actually mingle with humans?” Asked in a surprised tone of voice. “Well I’m going to try to avoid the humans but, yes I’ll be going out today I have to know what that flash of light was. I may never find it but I must at least try to go to the location I last saw it. I don’t know why but I feel drawn to that light and I must find out what it is.” I had explained to Chiho. His color had changed back to its original shade of blue. I hopped out of bed put on my glasses and headed for my bathroom. While in my bathroom I did my dailies. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, took off my old clothes and put on new ones. This time I had chosen a simple purple sweatshirt and slapped on a different set of shorts and socks. Once I had gotten dressed I brushed my hair a bit checked to make sure my fang hadn’t chipped grabbed my phone from my nightstand and went out of my room. I didn’t even bother to say anything to my parents. I figured since I had my phone with me I’d called them if I needed them. I slipped on my sneakers I had left by the door the night before and braced myself to face the outside world all on my own.
I had walked along the path I we were on last night. I figured I’d follow it since I saw the flash just ahead of our house. I wasn’t sure why but, I was determined to find that light. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to find it. I attempted to keep my profile low which, shouldn’t be so hard since I’m so short. Even still, I threw on the hood of my hoodie just to make extra sure no one would notice me. This path seemed way less scary during the day. The humans were talking, laughing, and walking all around me it all sounded so loud and strange however, oddly enough it was still better than the dead silence of night. The loud sounds made me realize how much I hate dead silence even if the sounds were of humans. I continued to walk along the sidewalk and I yet to see that flash of light I saw last night. Maybe it was a one time thing but, even still I was determined to see that light again. I kept walking and walking for what seemed like awhile but when I checked the time on my phone it had only been fifteen minutes. I shoved my phone back into my hoodie pocket and as I did I looked down at the ground and noticed that a rabbit had appeared at my feet. “Was that always there?” I thought to myself as I eyeballed the animal. I hated animals I wanted to kick the thing away but I knew if I did that it would start a commotion among the humans. I instead, stood there watching it waiting for it to go away. It sat in front of my feet for a second then started to hop along the sidewalk. I followed and watched as the strange creature kept hopping along the sidewalk. The rabbit kept hopping along sniffing the concrete ever so often. I took out my phone and took a picture of it. Though I hated animals I still wanted to keep a record of all the strange things this planet had to offer in case I ever get to go back home to my planet and show my pictures to the other Galaticans I knew.
I had followed this rabbit for about twenty or so minutes seeing if it would lead me to anything that could have related to the flash of light I was last night but, it had seemed this idea was a bust. It led me to no where and on top of that when I looked up for second and looked back down the rabbit had disappeared from my feet. “Strange..it was just here..” I thought to myself looking around for the creature. Unfortunately the creature could not be found. I let out a disappointed sigh hoping that thing would lead me to something. At least no humans had noticed me yet now that would mess everything up. Exhausted from my walk I sat on down on the side walk against a wall of an old building trying to catch my breath a bit. I pulled out my phone once again and checked the time and to keep my face from being seen. However, I saw that same flash of light that I saw last night in the corner of my right eye. I quickly got up and followed after the light I saw trying not to lose it. I ran as fast and as hard as I could clutching my phone in my hands. I did not want to lose this light but in an instant the light had gone behind me and disappeared. I was so upset. I was right there and it just goes away it led me to nothing but something had caught my attention it was a tall man whose skin was as rich as milk chocolate and his hair was long and beautiful like a blanket of snow but there was one thing about the man and it was the fact that fluffy white rabbit ears sprung from the top of his head. I walked a bit closer to get a better view of him but not too close, I didn’t want him to notice me. The man walked just before the edge of the sidewalk and looked down at the ground for a second and just as he looked up he spotted me I wanted to run away but the unique qualities of his eyes compelled me to stay where I stood for a moment. I studied his eyes for a bit and noticed that the left one had lacked a pupil and was replaced with a white crescent moon that floated in the deep red blood pool of his eye and as for the right it was just silver with nothing in it. His eyes looked so dead yet something about them were mesmerizing to look at. In a quick second my eyes had drifted to his lips as I watched him mouth the words “stop me” and in that moment the whole world seemed to have slowed down as I watch the the man step into the road in front of a moving car and in that same moment I had somehow moved my feet from the spot I was in before and ended up behind the man and pushing him out the way of the car taking his place of being hit. I remembered that right before I was hit I looked down and saw something that gave away the man's identity. He had a tail but not a tail of an animal no it was a tail of a creature far more sinister. His tail was skinny and black with a heart shaped pointed end upon seeing that I realized that man was never alive to begin with and that this whole thing looked as if though I was attempting suicide. All of this was to bring attention to me and expose who I really am. I couldn't even tell what was happening in this sequence of events all I could hear was the muffled screams of the humans but, I couldn't tell if they were screaming because they saw a young boy attempt suicide or the fact that they knew I wasn't human. Upon feeling the impact of the car I was prepared to face death. There was no way I was coming out of this alive.
Oh thanks! It's just a part of my novel. I hardly sit long enough to draw,, hhi think it's good!
and i didn't finish the art because i find that i can't sit and draw for as long as i used to ;v;
I’m glad you’re trying it out; it hurts my brain lolHouse of mirrors look a bit hard, but I will go over looking for many images again and getting it incorrect as far as I know.
Oy the only ones that clicked really were yoshi and whispy woodsI guess it’s easy for some and hard for some...