Basement Dwellers

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ibis paint x
I used to paint on that app too, you could try using a less round brush (modifying the ends) or just trying brushes that don’t look that stiff if that makes sense. You could also try playing around with brush settings. Another solution, as ClockWise said, is to buy a stylus, you can find cheap ones on Amazon.
I used to paint on that app too, you could try using a less round brush (modifying the ends) or just trying brushes that don’t look that stiff if that makes sense. You could also try playing around with brush settings. Another solution, as ClockWise said, is to buy a stylus, you can find cheap ones on Amazon.
Can third this statement; even using a 10-cent stylus improves my art drastically!
So, I’m looking for a sea bass for Lopez. I find a large shadow by the dock, so I fish it up.
Y’all’s could’ve given me this earlier you know
If u want to improve art one of the best things to do is to draw often

Also learning anatomy is a good idea ... even if u don't want to draw super realistic stuff, it's good to "know the rules before you break them"... Knowing where and how everything connects, etc, can make the art look more polished
Bleb trying to get disability benefits makes me feel so ill ;-; I just want to afford food and rent and a wheelchair please.
guys im starting to question my sexuality
I'm starting to think I might be demisexual but I'm just not sure aaaaa
While I absolutely do not mean to discredit you, at fourteen years old you are most likely sexually inexperienced and lacking sexual maturity. I wouldn't suggest being so quick to try and push yourself into a box. You have many years to figure out where you lie on that spectrum.
While I absolutely do not mean to discredit you, at fourteen years old you are most likely sexually inexperienced and lacking sexual maturity. I wouldn't suggest being so quick to try and push yourself into a box. You have many years to figure out where you lie on that spectrum.
Tbh I’ll never come out to anyone. If I have a girlfriend I’ll just introduce her to my parents and bOoM.
Tbh I’ll never come out to anyone. If I have a girlfriend I’ll just introduce her to my parents and bOoM.
Can relate. I completely sprung it on my parents the first time I dated someone of the same sex. They were cool with it.
Pfffp imagine being straight but out simp for girls :^
Isn't that called 'denial'? 🤔 ;)

I admittedly hate the concept of gender. My life would be ten times easier if it simply didn't exist.
I was really proud of my look today but I dealt with two really rude guys this morning and it made me feel eh about it all.
Mario Party is a rush. I’ve played two rounds of 8 since my sibling came for thanksgiving (1-they tested negative for COVID before coming over, don’t worry and 2-MP8 is nostalgic to our family) and I managed to place in top 2 both times!
Isn't that called 'denial'? 🤔 ;)

I admittedly hate the concept of gender. My life would be ten times easier if it simply didn't exist.
I was really proud of my look today but I dealt with two really rude guys this morning and it made me feel eh about it all.
It's not denial the girls aren't real. WAIT NO THAT HAIRCUT IS H- great
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