Auction Beau the Lazy Deer

Oh my gosh everyone is so kind O_O Thank you soooo much. I can't express how thankful I am D: I hope that once I get rich enough in this game I can just go around shouting dreamies to people haha. :p
I just need to go get me 3 mill out of my bank Rose, so I will be a minute or so!
Sorry ! You are too kind :>
Anyway I will be able to hand over the bells in 3 more minutes my gate will be open soon
Would I be able to use your post office ABD Rose? It would save me time having to move a bunch of crap out of my closet to make room for the bells haha
And finally free so do I have to go to pebbles town to give the money or just straight up give it to Rose?
Whichever is easier for you. You're welcome to drop it off in my town, if you'd like.
Gate opened . I only have 1k6 on hand so probably need to use the ABD
Well I have my town opened . So pebbles can come over to mine to get the money .
Unrelated to the topic but sorry,what should I call you?I keep calling you sorry and it will mess up :>
I'm coming :)
I mean I'm going to Rose first to give her my bells, then I'll go to Lunie's town and then back to Rose's
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Sure . My gate is open for you (and will probably close in 10 minute)
Lol nope it dc'd,just tell me when you want to come over so I will reopen it.
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Beau is asleep, apparently, which is confusing because I didn't think animals could sleep when they were in boxes. I'll leave the bags right where they are until we make sure it works or not, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience! Edit: I'll also TT back a few hours if he is still asleep.

Lunie, your offer was so sweet, you don't have to give the 2mil after all. I thought it was really nice you offered, but 3mil is plenty.
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Beau is asleep, apparently, which is confusing because I didn't think animals could sleep when they were in boxes. I'll leave the bags right where they are until we make sure it works or not, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience! Edit: I'll also TT back a few hours if he is still asleep.

Lunie, your offer was so sweet, you don't have to give the 2mil after all. I thought it was really nice you offered, but 3mil is plenty.

I didn't think they could either haha! And it's strange that he was in boxes only an hour ago. Plus, if he moved out it would have said "moved out" on the sign, wouldn't it? o_O Don't apologise either, it's not a problem for me at all :p
My gates are open if you'd like to try and reconnect. Or I could time travel first, which would you prefer?
People on here are way too kind
Which bring me to another question,I didn't think I see any sign of my dreamie moves in to my town yet . Is it because it is 4 AM at my time?Do I have to wait?
Kinda a newb :>
People on here are way too kind
Which bring me to another question,I didn't think I see any sign of my dreamie moves in to my town yet . Is it because it is 4 AM at my time?Do I have to wait?
Kinda a newb :>

6am is the start of a new day, so once 6am comes along the plot should be up!
I really have no idea what happened, but Beau's house is just gone now from time traveling back a few hours(I went to 4PM). I'm so bummed about this, I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time and running around like that.

He really shouldn't have been asleep if it was his packing day. I thought they were supposed to be there ready to talk to until 6AM.

I've opened my gates, so come on by and pick up your bells when you can, every bag is where it was. If I get Beau in my cycling town, he'll be yours, pebbles! I feel so horrible about this. :(