Beetles and stags..! angery


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Jun 20, 2015
Jingle Christmas Doll
Tin Robot
Tin Robot
Tin Robot
Tin Robot
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
i am currently getting all of the july bugs i missed in summer time, (which is all of the beetles and stags and OH MY GOODNESS
i need like 5 more and i just CANNOT FIND/GET THEM. i am using nook islands to flatten out and just have palm trees.. but oh my goodness! did anyone lese have this? or any one have some tips..! ugh!!! haha
I think it’s easier to nab a couple palms and flatten a nook miles island (preferably one of the beetle islands) instead of your main island, if you’ve TTed to beetle season.
I had the same problem catching beetles. I’m still missing some beetles from summer and I don’t time travel, so I have to wait until next year to get them.
I think it’s easier to nab a couple palms and flatten a nook miles island (preferably one of the beetle islands) instead of your main island, if you’ve TTed to beetle season.
I have been using the nook miles islands and using palm trees.. and still such pain!! D:
I realized in November the last bug I was missing, besides the dung beetle, was the giraffe stag - I had to go back and do the same thing, so I feel you.

If it hasn't been removed, there's one mystery island that only spawns tree bugs, so if you get lucky and land there, it's a lot easier - that's how I got most of the beetles. Otherwise, just continue as you've been doing, scare off or catch everything else and keep going until you finally get them. Also, keep in mind that the spawn table is set when you leave for the island, so if you leave before the beetles start spawning, they won't spawn unless you go to another mystery island after they start spawning. Of course, that also means once you've got an island they can start spawning on, as long as you stay there, you can try and catch them, regardless of what time it actually is.
I had the same problem catching beetles. I’m still missing some beetles from summer and I don’t time travel, so I have to wait until next year to get them.
yeah! i time travelling for the first time in a while.. as a last resort ! sucks
Depending on which ones you're missing, there are some beetles that don't appear until really late into the night. Otherwise, don't give up! some, like the horned hercules, are especially rare.
Yeah I'd recommend flattening one of the tree bug islands if you have the NMTs to spare for it since it's a low chance of getting either of them. One other thing to keep in mind is to set the game clock later than 11pm since some of these bugs are suuuper nocturnal. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that NMT islands stay 'fixed' on the time of day when you first land on the island (so if you arrive on the island at 10pm, 11pm bugs will never spawn even though the clock shows it being past 11pm) I could be wrong about that, though.
I have been using the nook miles islands and using palm trees.. and still such pain!! D:
i misread your original post, sorry for the confusion 😓

There’s one beetle that, for whatever bright reason they had, only appears between 11pm-7am (a time where non-night owls would be sleeping). I suggest setting your time to then.
i misread your original post, sorry for the confusion 😓

There’s one beetle that, for whatever bright reason they had, only appears between 11pm-7am (a time where non-night owls would be sleeping). I suggest setting your time to then.
Two actually, the scarab beetle and giant stag both only appear that late. It took me so long to get enough scarabs to donate and make a model...
I used to mystery island trick when I had my first island to get Atlas Moths for Blathers and to make a model. I'm probably going to need to do it again (and again) to get all the bugs I keep missing now with my newer reset islands. I have so few bugs. I just hate the idea of doing the mystery island thing and coming across scorpions or tarantulas. Blech.
They're all quite rare...
others have probably said this, but you can try to
1. plant LOTS of palm trees on your beach to boost the spawn rates
2. reduce the amount of hardwood and cedar trees you have on your island to reduce the amount of non-beetle spawns
3. get rid of flowers/tree stumps to again reduce to amount of non-beetle spawns
4. hope for the best!

good luck getting them.
it's funny cuz on my old island back in summer i had tons of trees and flowers and honestly not a very large amount of palm trees and i managed to catch every beetle except like 1 lol
oof i feel your pain. i had a bit of trouble with the summer beetles, too, particularly the giant and giraffe stags but found that i had the most luck with bamboo island!

seeing as how the only plants on those islands are bamboo stalks, flowers and palm trees, getting rid of the flowers is a pretty effective way of forcing the game to mostly spawn tree beetles! granted, you’ll still have to deal with the occasional ground bug (ex. tiger beetle) and ones that you don’t need but bamboo island had me finished within an hour and a half and so i thought i’d share. :)

good luck!
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thank you for all of your suggestions!! i’ll be trying later on again..!! haha :lemon:
Not sure if this was part of your strategy, but take full grown palm trees with you and plant them in the sand, too. That'll give you more chances to catch them.
yup I did that method too during the northern hemisphere summer in July and it was frustrating. I never found the giraffe stag and its actually the only bug I need now to complete the encyclopedia!

I also was lucky enough to catch the golden beetle on my own island because I have a tropical theme and have palm tree planted everywhere
Wasn't that bothered about collecting all of flicks models at the beginning but now that I have filled the critterpedia I'm looking forward to collecting up the beetles