Cycling ♫~Bekka's Cycling Tread~♫ New Villagers - Pekoe and Apple ::: welcome to come chat :)

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Cole!!!! Could I get a PM for him? :)
You may indeed!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Wow that was fast.
Cole is moving and is going to Novi!
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Me too; a PM for Wolfgang... Now that I have access to my copy, all the giveaways for him stopped :c
This is so great :D
I really hope you get to help people out with they're dreamies!! Have a nice day you nice person you!
Chief is moving on out! If he's your dreaming post why and I'll raffle him off :3
I'll check back on this thread later today
it's alice from acc, I would really really love chief c:
oh forgot I would love Chief in the town of Utopia with Ankha, Rolf(white tiger king), Phoebe & Drago
I really want him because I want to complete my zen theme town and I need a cranky and chief was one of my first villagers that i ever felt a real connection to in ww and i've loved him ever since <3
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