Cycling ♫~Bekka's Cycling Tread~♫ New Villagers - Pekoe and Apple ::: welcome to come chat :)

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Entering the raffle. Her house is so utterly gorgeous, she was my first dreamie. xD
Could I pull out of the raffle please? I just got Diana from a competition <3
Rattling Diana off soon! I'll let the winner know once it's done :) everyone who posted is entered!

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And the winner according to the randomizer princessrae :)
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Rattling Diana off soon! I'll let the winner know once it's done :) everyone who posted is entered!

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And the winner according to the randomizer is Rorelorelei! Congrats :)

Oooooooo nervy

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Oh. Didn't even read properly
Rattling Diana off soon! I'll let the winner know once it's done :) everyone who posted is entered!

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And the winner according to the randomizer princessrae :)

Thank you so much Bekka!!!!!!
Gonna start cycling after class :3
Hoping to get some great villagers doe
oh noes. i just missed raffle for diana is it? boo woo myself D:
good luck everyone else !!~

oh just realized the name there. congrats :D
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I'm looking for Lolly, Kid Cat, Moe, Katt, Kiki, and Tom.

Can I get a pm for any one of them when they move in?
I'm looking for Lolly, Kid Cat, Moe, Katt, Kiki, and Tom.

Can I get a pm for any one of them when they move in?
WOW, that's a ton of villagers..but sure :)

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Eugene the koala is heading on out. If more than one person is interested, I'll raffle but he's not too popular so idk...
No one wants this cutie? SweetSparks seems to be the only one interested...

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Oh, and also if anyone care I just found my 3rd cartridge so I'll have two cycling towns up and running when I get the chance ^_^
More dreamies for all :3
He is. Right now SweetSparks asked to have him for a friend and as long as they reply, I'm going to give them to that friend, however i have a concert to perform at this evening so we shall see if they get back to me in time
I'm that friend OTL I'll tell her to come reply/send you a pm ;u;/
I'm trying to TT phil outta my town for the hipster koala bby so it might be a bit D: I understand if you want to void to go onto the next ^^
Oh xP
Well they're all yours :) I have time until 3:45pm est so just let me know when you're ready. If you're not by then, I'll be home late tonight and you can also take them then. Whatever is most convenient for you works for me!
Oh xP
Well they're all yours :) I have time until 3:45pm est so just let me know when you're ready. If you're not by then, I'll be home late tonight and you can also take them then. Whatever is most convenient for you works for me!

we're on the same time zone ;u;
I'm sure I can get him out by 3..that bird OTLLLL
Just PM me when you're ready! It's easier to contact me that way
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