Bell Tree Goals


Gone until April 1st
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Cool Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Yellow Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Orange Candy
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Do you have any goals to achieve while you're on Bell Tree Forums? Like to get a certain collectible, reach a certain TBT value, win a contest etc.

I'm sure that we all do.
Well I already have my white feather so I'm good with that, but would be nice to have more cloudy background collectibles so I hope I can take part in the fair if they re-release all the things...
My goal: reach 50,000 TBT or higher. The reason being is that I want to host a more expensive giveaway rather than all these cheap giveaways. I would also like to start a Re-Tail like shop on the TBT Marketplace where I can buy unwanted collectables from others and sell collectibles that others can't find. I don't know if that is acceptable, but I have been purchasing collectibles from others mainly to help them get more TBT rather than to help myself get more collectables.
I had about 11k in TBT for a while but I used most of it buying collectibles and whatnot. Hoping to get back up to 10k someday... It was the most that I've ever had! ; v ;
I wouldn't mind getting an all yellow collectible line-up at some point or get ice cream swirls and popsicles. My main goal is to gain enough TBT for art.

Maybe if I'm crazy I'd try going for the Pokeball collectible but I know it's super unrealistic. I'd love there to be more pokeball types of collectibles. If only. ;^;
my goal at the moment is to get all of the monthly birthstones. i only have one more to go now - the july one! i decided to try getting them all last year, because i though it'd be a nice way to show that i had been around here for a year if i got them all from the shop. sure, there's a thing under your avatar in every post you make that says when you joined, but i still thought it'd be pretty cool.

of course, that 'update' to tbt (i guess you could call it that?) a while back that made it so you have 12 collectibles showing at a time instead of 10 made it even better, because now if i get all of the birthstones i can have all of them showing instead of having to have two that don't show.
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i originally wanted all the house collectibles minus the yellow one, but i kinda stopped caring after that ridic restock a few months back. for now i'll prob just get whatever cute collectibles that come out that i can easily get my hands on. i'm too lazy to grind out tbt to buy things at market price
i just want a togepi egg that has my birthdate on it :(
I hope to get a White Feather at this upcoming Fair.

also, there's this mysterious collectible called a "Weird Doll..."
The weird doll collectible is from the 2012 Halloween event, just in case if you're wondering.

Please read there sig and tell me you're joking.

For me, my dream lineup. Also leaking more events would be nice.