New Years Goals/Resolutions for 2025

My top goal this year is to be healthier and more active. My last job was pretty physically demanding, but for the past year and a half I’ve been working in an office so my activity levels have heavily declined. I’ve already made major changes to my diet, including cutting out gluten, most dairy products, and not eating fast food. I want to continue cooking the majority of my meals at home and incorporating a lot of veggies and fruit, as well as aim to exercise at least 3-4 times a week!

I would also like to get back in to art/drawing, or practice painting. I’ve been pretty stunted creatively lately, so hoping this year I’ll have some motivation and/or ideas to create more

Last goal is to minimize drinking/reserve it for special occasions only instead of every weekend… not only has it definitely contributed to my weight gain but it impacts my health and renders me useless the following day 50% of the time because I’m prone to migraines. That + being hungover is debilitating.
I was able to think of ones were we already planning to do for 2025, but we weren't planning them as resolutions or for new years. Just some personal verbal goals.
1. Re-painting the living room. Removing the carpet from the previous owners and putting down hardfloor.
2. Decluttering the property from relatives moving and passing.
3. Expanding my knowledge and experience with aquatic plants and fish via books and setting up another tank or two.
4. Expanding the fence line.
5. Re-making my wardrobe (already halfway done).
6. Possibly getting my first succulent plant since living in this house. Thinking of going with zebra haworthia. This may be something towards the end of summer/early autumn. Dunno. Gotta have to room and I want a plant lamp so I don't have to worry about sunlight and dog access.
7. Hopefully continue to make progress to being healthier.