I really do try and limit one's that are a BIG factor in life, mainly because when. You think of that big factor, and not the lil pointers that equal to that goal.
- Get a Job, I have a lost of companies I need to properly look at and see if I can communicate for even any work experience or something. UC is also on my back about finding a job, they actually expect me to, before our next call have a job ready that I wanna apply for :/

um if I see a job I instantly apply why do I need to wait.
This year I'm putting food and retail behind me!!!
- my writing. My damn creative writing. My fanfics I've planned for ages, have not been typed and this is a crime. I just need to sit down and write something, go back and fix stuff once something is down.
I feel bad for myself, I guess understanding this writers block properly to succeed.
- get down and do more creative arts and crafts, got a lot of random stuff I need to finish, nevermond the space for it XD
- watch more things I wanna watch and don't leave it. I have a thing about starting and stopping halfway it's crazy, and I miss watching things.
- Go out and do more social activities or find groups to do more hobbies. Find more people in my hobbies and connect.
- exercise more!!