Bell Tree Weeks - Official Thread

Inb4 Piranha plant collectible wins the poll over purple tulip collectible and people losing their minds.
I'm not sure how likely it is, but I honestly wouldn't be opposed to a Piranha Plant collectible. It's one of my favorite Mario enemies and something that would actually fit with existing flower collectibles. Of course it's not AC related so I think that alone drops the likelihood significantly.
he's an appropriate addition to Tulips week, as I believe Piranha plant does have, two-lips.....
It’s beginning to look a lot worse.

But I’m ready for Tulip Week.
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Valentine's Flower Week
February 9, 2018 - February 16, 2018


Valentine's Day is almost here everyone! Let's get ready for the big day by covering the forums with flowers in this special edition Valentine's Flower Week.

And what's this? It looks like all the spring flowers everywhere have scared the cold brutal winter away to reveal a never-before-seen spring cedar tree! :eek:

This week's perks are...

  • New Valentine's Pink Roses and Tulips
  • Hybrid Breeding
  • Fertilizer Event Item
  • Common Flowers Restock
  • New Leaf Hybrid Photo Challenge
  • Classic Valentine's Day Roses

New Valentine's Pink Roses and Tulips

Do you love pink? This is your week!

Typically we run a voting poll to determine the next hybrid flower, but we're switching it up this week. Since it's the Valentine's Flower Week, we are introducing two new hybrid collectibles this week: Pink Roses and Pink Tulips!


Want one of these new collectibles? At least for now, you will only be able to get them in the Flower Week breeding event. Get your common flowers ready to breed and read the section below!

Hybrid Breeding

Following the first Flower Week, we are bringing back a fun TBT feature: hybrid breeding! During this event you will be able to breed hybrid flower collectibles from your existing flower collectibles, just like in the Animal Crossing games.

Each night, the flowers in your collectible lineup have a small chance to produce a new hybrid collectible. All of our previously released pink hybrids can be grown in this week, in addition to the new Pink Rose and Pink Tulips, as shown below. The lucky users who successfully grow a hybrid will be posted in this thread each night.

Here is how the breeding event will work:

  • The flower collectibles must be visible in your lineup and paired horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
  • To increase your chances of growing a hybrid, you can fit as many pairs into your lineup as possible.
  • Each hybrid combination has a 5% chance of growing a hybrid.
  • Using a fertilizer item increases the chance of producing a hybrid from any pair in your lineup to 10%.
  • If you manage to grow a hybrid, it will not decrease your chances of growing another one in the subsequent days.
  • However, you cannot grow more than one of each hybrid per day.
  • The hybrid flowers finish growing at 11:00 PM EDT each night.
  • Any user who logs in to the forum since the previous night will be eligible to grow a hybrid.
These are the available hybrid combinations this week:
Pink Roses
Red and Red Roses
Red and White Roses

Pink Tulips
Red and White Tulips

Pink Cosmos
Red and White Cosmos

Pink Lilies
Red and White Lilies
Red and Red Lilies

Fertilizer Event Item

As mentioned above, you can use the Fertilizer item to increase your chances of growing a hybrid.


Simply purchase the Fertilizer item from the Shop for 150 Bells and put it in your collectible lineup. Every hybrid combination in your lineup will be more likely to grow a hybrid. While the fertilizer can be used everyday, it will be consumed and go away at the end of this Flower Week.

Common Flower Restock

We are restocking all of the common flowers that can be used in the breeding event: Roses, Tulips, Cosmos, and Lilies. Head on over to the Shop to pick up any of these for the duration of Flower Week.

Looking for Pansies and Violets? We plan on bringing back the rotating common flowers in the Shop soon as they originally were a few years ago. Stay tuned.

New Leaf Hybrid Photo Challenge

Need a pick me up of bells in your TBT account for a fresh crop of flower collectibles? You're in luck with the New Leaf Hybrid Photo Challenge available this week!

Just pop on your old, dusty copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf and gather up your hybrid flowers together for a photo. If you don't have many right now, you have all week to grow some or hit up your fellow TBTers for some help!

Upload your photo to the challenge thread here and we'll reward you with free TBT Bells based on the number of unique hybrid flower colours in your screenshot! More details at the thread here.

Classic Valentine's Roses

While all these new activities are fun, the classic Valentine's Roses from the previous years will be returning too! The six year TBT Valentine's Day tradition will start late on Wednesday night.


Thank you for Jeremy for running the hybrid breeding, and thank you to Laudine for creating the banner graphics!