Trading Bells for Phil, Curlos, Apollo, Lolly, Lucky or Shep.

I've been in love with Phil ever since he came to my town for coffee. I want him so badly. xD
Ahwell, If I get Phil or Curlos I'd be fine.

Curlos is adorable =u=
Yeah I've always kinda liked him.. I put him aside for my main town.. But I did get him in my main town at one point and cycled him out as part of my 16 villager cycle for Erik.. He was epic.. Can't wait to have him in my Star Fox town (when I actually make it :L)
He's the only good Sheep Villager IMO, The rest are scary. (Even Vesta)

Bumpies, Might be getting Curlos for 800k so if anyone has Phil in boxes, Speak up.