Mafia #belltreemafia IRC bot

ill play i don't know where everyone is ? i thought they were busy playing irc since our mafia game here is pretty quiet
I went running earlier and I'm working now, but I'd be down for a few games later tonight or tomorrow.
The irc isn't working for me? I could walk 2 rooms and most likely get Ender to fix it, but that would require me to stop listening to les miserables. (Which I have no intention of doing.)

Any idea what the issue might be/a potential fix?
The irc isn't working for me? I could walk 2 rooms and most likely get Ender to fix it, but that would require me to stop listening to les miserables. (Which I have no intention of doing.)
Any idea what the issue might be/a potential fix?
You could use Mibbit or an IRC client to avoid the faulty site one that seems to be less useful as time goes on. There should be an IRC guide somewhere for the relevant information by Jason in The Bulletin Board or TBT HQ.
The irc isn't working for me? I could walk 2 rooms and most likely get Ender to fix it, but that would require me to stop listening to les miserables. (Which I have no intention of doing.)

Any idea what the issue might be/a potential fix?

can you guys post a selfie together?
A real man is secure enough to know if other men are attractive or not, isn't that right Tom darling...?