Best drink/way to ease a sore throat?

. Rarity .

Seventeen 🌌💎
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
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Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
I've been sick for the past two days, unfortunately I've even had to call in.

My throat hurts alot, esspecially when I wake up. I drink water, some tea, other things. I also take tablets to help it. But I'm curious if someone has other ways, or what works best for you
These are both really gross, but they can help.
1- chloraseptic spray or lozenges - it's foul stuff, but can numb the throat some
2- my mom used to make us drink "the best thing for a sore throat" when we were sick. You basically boil water with lemon slices, honey, and one or two whole cloves then strain and drink it. The cloves are supposed to numb your throat. It worked, but was super gross and the sore throat came back too soon. Cloves upset my stomach, so i usually just rely on the chloraseptic spray. Good luck. Hope you feel better soon.
If I feel early on that something's coming on, I'll double up my vitamin C intake as well as take it when I'm sick. I do this sometimes if I'm in close proximity to someone I know that's sick too. I do the same sort of drink as listed above, but I just do black tea with honey and lemon juice.
Tea with honey and/or lemon is always good.

I've also found that chocolate eases my sore throats. So I'll drink hot chocolate or slowly suck on some Hershey Kisses. They work better than cough drops for me.
Tea with honey, and a (non alcoholic obviously) hot toddy. Both always help my throat when it's sore. Hot toddy is basically what BestsySundrop described, and I absolutely love it. Really just depends on your taste. But yeah those two things really help my throat when I'm sick. Chocolate isn't something I usually have because yeah it's soothing at first, but the milk always builds up mucus in my throat and makes it worse. Tbh I find things with milk to make my throat worse.
I use those lozenges in a flavor I like (I think the ones I have now are cherry), and drink warm tea when I can. Sore throats suck and I hope you feel better soon!
Recently recovered from a sore throat that made swallowing impossible and breathing hard so feel like I’m an expert in this now 😅

For me what worked most was:

- a combination of ibuprofen (anti inflammatory) and paracetamol (pain relief)
- chloraseptic spray with benzocaine to numb the throat temporarily
- gargling with warm salt water to kill the infection
- lots of water
- tea with honey

Hope this helps and I hope you feel better soon xxx
For me it's yujacha, or yuja tea, it's like lemon/yuzu honey tea. It's what work best with sore throat. You can find it in Asian groceries.
I don't really think there's an easy way to soothe a sore throat. And usually it comes right back if I do find something that gives me temporary relief. And that relief is really temporary. Like maybe 5 minutes if I am lucky.

Sometimes I would eat a popsicle. I can't stand the really processed sugary ones, but there's more softer ones made with real fruit and those sometimes soothe/numb my throat for a little bit and it's a nice treat.

Pretty much what everyone else has said though. Warm water with salt for gargling, warm tea with honey or without, but honey in general even if you just take a spoonful can coat and soothe your throat. I like green tea and it helps or at least it feels like it does.

These are both really gross, but they can help.
1- chloraseptic spray or lozenges - it's foul stuff, but can numb the throat some
2- my mom used to make us drink "the best thing for a sore throat" when we were sick. You basically boil water with lemon slices, honey, and one or two whole cloves then strain and drink it. The cloves are supposed to numb your throat. It worked, but was super gross and the sore throat came back too soon. Cloves upset my stomach, so i usually just rely on the chloraseptic spray. Good luck. Hope you feel better soon.
I would rather deal with the sore throat than drink something gross that only helps for a few minutes. My grandmom would make those concoctions and they were so gross that I usually opted to just suffer 😅
I usually do a combination of extra-strength Ricola lozenges, hot tea with honey and gargling with salt water. The extra-strength lozenges provide the most relief, albeit it temporary.
my route is usually lots and lots of cough drops, tea with lemon and honey. If my sore throat worsens or starts to turn into a cold I’ll add cough syrup/ibuprofen to my routine
I hope you feel better very soon! 🫂🩷

The thing that helps me the most when I'm sick and have a sore throat sadly won't be of much help to you since it's only available in Canada, but I always take Buckley's (cold medicine) when I'm sick. Their slogan is literally "It tastes awful. And it works.", and it's definitely true; the medicine tastes disgusting, but it always makes me feel better. It's so effective that the taste doesn't even bother me anymore. Their syrups even have a bit of a cooling effect, which provides some relief when I have a sore throat!

I did a little bit of research, and Vicks' DayQuil VapoCOOL might be a good alternative if you're comfortable taking it and/or able to find it. There's a NyQuil version as well!

Lozenges are my second best friend when I have a sore throat. A lot of them taste gross, but they do provide some relief. Plus, the awful taste can be a small distraction from how awful you feel lol. I'm not sure if they're available where you are, but Fisherman's Friend lozenges were the least gross-tasting ones I've tried; they have a few different flavours, but I like the cherry ones.

Cold and hot liquids and soft foods are also good; milkshakes, smoothies, ice cream, pudding, yogurt, soups and broths, hot chocolate, mashed potatoes, popsicles, etc. I practically live off of soup when I'm sick (which was unfortunate the last 2 times I was sick since it was during the summer 🥲), but cold drinks and soft foods especially feel nice on a sore throat.

I'll also gargle warm water and salt when I want to do as much as possible to try and feel better as soon as possible, but it never does much for me. It could still be worth a try, though!
Just two really.

1. Chicken soup. It has to be chicken. No other soup will do.

2. Ice cream. Sickness always seems less terrible with a big bowl of ice cream.

These may not work for everyone but they do work for me. Its about feeling positive when youre sick and food always makes me feel positive.
A warm drink with honey is my go to. And by warm I mean perhaps a bit too hot, yet I find the feeling relieving. I usually drink (soy) milk and honey, sometimes I add cinnamon for extra comfort or syrup.