Best episode of South Park?

I've played The Stick of Truth it was great. I really need to replay it sometime.
Also only the console version was censored here, the PC version was left untouched. And it wasn't even too bad if for some reason you were desperate to play it on a console because the PS3 isn't region locked. So you could just import an American copy which isn't as expensive as it sounds. (I don't know if the Xbox 360 is region locked because I don't like Xbox.) I just feel bad for people who didn't know about the censorship before getting the game. They missed out on all the best parts, not to mention the game was hella short unedited.

I saw about half of the game being played at a friends. It looked okay but a lot of the jokes seemed to be jokes they've just recycled from the show, which kind of snuffed my interest since if I wanna hear the jokes, I'll watch the episodes.

I thought the censorship was actually great. I watched the scenes uncensored but I honestly think it was more funny with the censorship. The little visual descriptions and the sad koala were great. They kind of did it in a 'South Park way' where it seemed like an originally intended thing rather than forced censorship.
I liked the one when the robot army attacks south park, and that one was centered on Kanye West and his arrogance (Fishsticks).
I also liked the ****tiest episode (It Hits the Fan).
Either Gluten Free Ebola or **** Magic

The Coon and Friends Trilogy episodes were well made but I didn't really like them
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I have way too many favorites.


Fun Times with Weapons

The Coon trilogy

Bigger Longer and Uncut

That one Pewdiepie episode

And a lot more that I'm lazy to list here.
I have to saw the season finale for 18 was very weak. Definitely one of my least favorites... but how could I forget Fun Times with Weapons??

Also, the movie is 10/10. I watched the behind-the-scenes and apparently, Paramount totally overlooked the title. When they were told to change it after they finally figured out what it meant, it was way too late.
Definitely the "Woodland Critter Christmas" episode, if you haven't seen it yet, go watch it without reading anything about it or else it will lose some of its magic :D
I found the The Day After Tomorrow parody episode to be quite hilarious.
Ike's wee wee
Cat orgy
Scott Tenorman must die
Butters very own episode
Bebe's boobs destroy society
The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers
Christian Rock hard
Casa bonita
Good times with weapons
The jeffersons
Ginger kids
Make love not warcraft
Night if the living homeless
The list
Breat cancer show forever
Tale of Scrootie McBoogerballs
To me, the smartest, funniest, best one was Margaritaville.
To me, the smartest, funniest, best one was Margaritaville.

Yeah, it won an award. I believe it was Matt who really wanted Eat, Pray, Queef to be entered but the animators and Trey convinced him to use Magaritaville.
The one with the crapton of hippies have no idea what it's called though
Uh I changed my mind. Cartmans mom is a dirty s***, Cartmans mom is still a dirty s***, 200, and 201.
These 10/10.
Uh I changed my mind. Cartmans mom is a dirty s***, Cartmans mom is still a dirty s***, 200, and 201.
These 10/10.

Haven't watched those yet but I watched 201 and 200 so I just spoiled it :(

Forgot to add stupid spoiled whore playset