Splatoon Best 'Special Splatfest'?


You're watching Disney Channel
Jan 25, 2020
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Yellow Candy
Special Splatfests, if you don't know, were those Splatfests that during a certain time of year or holiday, there would be special decorations, battle intros, gear, and Pearl and Marine will dress up to match the theme. They also went on for about 48-72 hours. Recently, the bonus Splatfests have been going on for about just as long, but it was a pretty big deal back when they first came out since the regular ones went on for 24.

I absolutely loooved Splatoween. It's still my favorite, with Springfest and Finalfest in a close second. I couldn't play Frostyfest unfortunately because it looked soooo awesome and i'd love it if that is a Splatfest that gets to have a bonus round.

Anyway, Splatoween is my favorite because Pearl looked like an absolute queen. I loved the black and orange on her, and it looked like she had a bit of make up on her face from what I could tell. Her glowing dress also looked awesome at night. Marina, in my opinion, looked like a color swap with purple instead of teal.
The intro to the battles were pretty awesome too. The effects made it truly feel like it was Halloween, and same goes for the decorations and hats! Pretty much everyone I battled against was dressed up in spirit of the event.
Speaking of that, the headgear DLC glows in the dark! It looked spectacular while walking around the square or battling.

What's your favorite?
Splatoween is the best :love:
I lovethe shifty station there
I also love the "ModeTurf War (Ink the most turf)" Concept Design ❤
The Lil' Devil Horns! Its so cute in my outfit ❤

I also like Frostyfest
The color Silver and Gold!
The Flooders is so cool in the shifty station 💞
Sometimes its annoying because when you walk in the enemy camp Flooders is pointing on you :l
I like the Twisty Headband and the Festive Party Cone it fits very well to me :)
I only got to play Springfest and the Finalfest but I'd say the Springfest was my fave. That was when most of my friends I met on Splatoon were still really into the game, so there were so many of us online to make fun teams and do silly things together. I wasn't all into the gear and my team lost (tortoise 😭) but it was one of those fests I played all the way through. I don't even think I played the Finalfest as much as I did the Springfest (I think I might have been playing SR during it). I really liked Mc.princess diaries though and that's one of my favourite shifties to play.
I loved the FinalFest bc it had all the shifty station stages and the ink for it was so cool and metallic 😍 They had extra songs and the whole square was changed to post apocalyptic!!

I really like the gear from Splatoween but wasn’t a fan of the colors since it was so close to normal colors. The shifty station with the rails was cool but I think I died a lot on that map lol I love the devil horns the most in this gear set tho!

the flooders in the Frostyfest was annoying but it made things interesting haha I did like the gear and ink colors a lot too! I didn’t get to play this one too much bc I was home with my family (chose friends tho on splatoon lol)

Springfest was alright o: I loved the pastel ink but the whole theme and map was just ok
Not sure if Squid vs Octopus counts as a special fest (you were forced to be the species of the team you picked so kind of?) but it was probably my fave.

A close second was definitely final fest. I loved the unique take on the special shifty station including things from the Octo expansion.
I've only played this recent one and the ketchup v mayo one earlier this year... i think i have to say this one cause it was less smurfs even though i got a lot of egg v egg games...