Pokémon Best/Worst Mega Evolution?

Why is everyone saying that Mega Latias and Latios look exactly the same? There's 1 thing that separates them COMPLETELY. Latios floats a little higher than Latias. See, they're so different now! No they're not.

For looks, then Gallade would win it. For usage... Audino is pretty good.

What y'all hatin on the mega eon twins

My least is metagross he packs a punch but over all design isn't good
From ORAS:
Best/Fave: Pigeot because I typically have him in my team, Diance and Rayquaza because they look awesome
Worst/Least Fave: Have to agree with the majority on the mega lati's... and Slowbro...

From X and Y
Best/Fave: Gengar, Banette, and Lucario
Worst/Least Fave: Again, going with the majority on this with Manetric and I dislike Houndoom as well. But I don't really use them that often, so it doesn't bother me.

I think Mega Kangaskhan is cute with the little baby coming out of the pouch to help. XD
Altaria's mega made me happy *-* that fluff. i also like mawile, ampharos, gengar..actually i think i like pretty much most of them except a few (like camerupt)
My favorite Mega Evolution is probably Mega Blastoise. Blastoise is my favorite final-form starter evolution due to its design, so Mega Blastoise getting Mega Launcher as its Ability is really neat.

Most other Mega Evolutions are pretty good. Other favorites are Mega Venusaur, Mega Beedrill, Mega Pidgeot, Mega Alakazam, Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Pinsir, Mega Aerodactyl, both Mega Mewtwo forms, Mega Heracross, and Mega Sableye.

Both Mega Charizard forms are good in their own ways, but I prefer Mega Charizard Y both in utility and design. Mega Houndoom is absolutely terrible as far as I'm concerned, but I love the look of it. I like Mega Ampharos, Mega Audino, and Mega Lopunny for adding dual-typing to them and, in Audino's case, actually giving me an excuse to have used it on a team. Finally, I want to give a mention to Mega Altaria, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Glalie, and Mega Salamence for their Pixilate, Refrigerate, and Aerilate Abilities.

As far as what I consider the worst Mega Evolution, while I mentioned that I love its design, I have to say Mega Houndoom. I really do not like Solar Power as an Ability and without actually engaging the beneficial half of the Ability, it replaces Flash Fire which is far more useful. From a design standpoint though, Mega Latias and Mega Latios are pretty disappointing since they look nearly identical.
Mega Gardevoir is my absolute favorite!

And, I just really dislike Mega Sharpedo?s design :/
My favorite is Mega Gardevoir. It looks so elegant and pretty and it's also the one Mega Evolution that I like from the design the most. I also like Mega Blaziken.

Not so much a fan of Mega Latias and Mega Latios as well as Mega Audino to be honest.
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To me, Mega Pinsir, Mega Charizard X, Mega Audino, and Mega Houndoom are definitely the best Mega Evolutions.

As for worst, I'm not a major fan of Mega Metagross or Mega Diancie, although neither of these Pokemon were that appealing to me in their non-Mega forms, either, so their Mega forms are basically just intensified versions of stuff I already knew I didn't like.
I absolutely love Mega Sceptile and Mega Rayquaza.

I hate Mega Slowbro, mostly aesthetically. I just. Don't get it.