Binge Watching.

I just finished binge watching God of War Zhao Yun, today. Not a bad drama, they could have did more, though.
Last bingwatch was The OA on Netflix. If I had to predict my next binge watch, it would be Rupaul's Drag Race or an anime series.
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Voltron. Hell's Kitchen. BBC's Robin Hood. Shadowhunters. Markiplier's entire Five Nights At Freddy's playlist, if that counts.

Going to try and get my roommate into Blue Bloods, too, so we may start on that.
great british bakeoff right now. not unusual for me to do cooking shows tho :)

rec to anyone who hasn't watched, don't start w s1 lmfao
on Season 3 of White Collar, watching Scandal ( not sure i like it yet trying to keep open mind on fence)

Doing GOT binge to refresh before start doing 7 episodes a week should finish at or around start of new season.
Finished catch up on Blacklist and did Fav episode binge of Star Trek TNG and DS9 .
At Season 3 of GOT rebinge and on season 2 of Scandal . also doing Catch up on This is us on NBC as well doing catch up on HBO's the Young Pope. need to do catch up on Flash and Blacklist.
gonna do a Hawaii 5 O catch up this week and a MacGuyver.
Currently, Blue Exorcist and Tokyo Ghoul before they take them off Netflix (they've already taken Black Butler, Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online and High School of The Dead off ;-; )
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Just finished binge watching Z, The beginning of everything~
Love it.. can't wait to hear if there's a season 2!<3
Still behind of lotsa shows caught up on Expanse season 2 a Syfy show and rebinge 12 monkeys need catch up on Agents of shield Quantico
I binge watched Atlanta early last week (great comedy!), and I'm planning on doing a binge of The OA and/or Breaking Bad soon :-]
I'm currently watching Game of Thrones for the first time and am almost finished with season 2. Well, I watched the first half of season 1 to put a face on the characters but stopped once I caught up to where I was in the book at the time. That was years ago so it's about time I got around to watching the series. :p

IMO it does a pretty good job of representing the books but it deviates quite a bit in season 2. All the major plotlines are still there and some scenes are ripped straight from the book line for line but it also changes some things, for better or for worse. Tyrion is the best casted by far and does his character justice.
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watched Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix it was a odd little show but was good. All caught up on blacklist finishing season 2 of Scandal.
Watched Season 7 of Shameless.
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Currently binging on The Vampire Diaries. Heard it was ending like next week lol so I figured now was as good as any to catch up since I stopped watching for a good year or two. Currently making my way through season 6 on Netflix D: