Blue Ogre Group

No right now we are full of new members. We are just about to add the 2 newest members to the group. There are some out there who i havent seen even in the thread yet. So there might be some openings starting soon.
DirtyD said:
No right now we are full of new members. We are just about to add the 2 newest members to the group. There are some out there who i havent seen even in the thread yet. So there might be some openings starting soon.
may you please PM me when theres a opening
cyall in like 2 hours i gotta do school
Nevermind. I just looked and saw that I didnt grab Animal Crossing this morning when I left my house. I know exactly where it is. It is in the GH:Metallica case on top of my entertainment center. I will have to postpone the Treasure Hunt event
I'd like to do it :) but I'll wait until an event if that's what you want :D Sarah and I should be able to come anytime but I dunno about another person.
DirtyD said:
Nevermind. I just looked and saw that I didnt grab Animal Crossing this morning when I left my house. I know exactly where it is. It is in the GH:Metallica case on top of my entertainment center. I will have to postpone the Treasure Hunt event
Sorry I just edited it. It has to be postponed
Yes definitely. You can host events for the group whenever you want to. Like we talked about before. I just cant get you the masks until later today
Awesome! Okay, sign up for today's event! We will play some games I made up, maybe some freeze tag, and everyone who comes gets a free dig in the Treasure Trove. They can also pay 100 bells for another 3 digs! Here's the sign up!
1. Cornman64
2. Sarah!
3. D Man 83
4. laneybaney921
Let's shoot for... 12:00 or 1:00 Central :)
Hmm... I'm not for sure since you're not in the group, but if nobody else signs up, you may come :D