Bluebear's, Freya's, and Onigiri's Dreamies! READ FIRST POST :)

Just Fauna for now. I might be getting Stitches, so I'll give up that slot on the chance the trade goes through. :3

Don't know if you saw my post earlier, so I quoted myself. I just have to say to everyone, good luck to all.
My top priority is Marshal, but I am also looking for Fauna. ;u; Whichever is available first~ Thank you again for doing this!
Thanks for adding me to the spreadsheet. ^^ So nice of you guys to do this. I just hope I have room if my dreamy ever shows up, that really scares me. xD
I would really love Bob or Diana.
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The post under the main one will be listing all current giveaways on TBT! If you happen to open a giveaway for a villager, feel free to post it here and I'll add it to the list.
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I am looking for Whitney, Sprinkle, Julia, Stitches or Francine
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Lolly or Molly are my dreamies & I would love to be added to the list (I am new here-- hi! I can't wait to start posting, I hope this is okay..)
Lolly or Molly are my dreamies & I would love to be added to the list (I am new here-- hi! I can't wait to start posting, I hope this is okay..)

You're fine C: You've been added!
So... I actually had a change of heart and would really like Fauna instead of Marina as my last dream villager. She would go well with Diana, Beau, and Bam ;_; sorry about the inconvenience! I can be put at the end of the list due to my last minute change :) thanks again!
So... I actually had a change of heart and would really like Fauna instead of Marina as my last dream villager. She would go well with Diana, Beau, and Bam ;_; sorry about the inconvenience! I can be put at the end of the list due to my last minute change :) thanks again!

That's okay, your request has been changed C:
I'm here to help! A little late, but I will help with Onigiri and Freya.
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Could you add me to the list for Walker? Looking for Vesta too,but Walker is top priority(plus if I get him I would need to get another spot open, which might take a while :p)
Thank you so much!
and villagers not stated to be wanted shall be posted about on here for people to take when they're in boxes.
Ooh! I'll definitely be lurking this thread, need to find some snooty,cranky and uchi villagers ^-^ Don't have any in mind yet!

EDIT: I don't even believe this just happened,but someone just pm'd me about Vesta moving! so just Walker would be great, and you can move me down the list for a while until someone in my town moves :)
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Hi! Thanks so much for doing this!! Y'all are awesome
All I'm looking for is Drago now, thanks to you guys! :)
TT.TT I just lost Stitches. The person I was getting him from had promised him to someone else... Can I add him back on my wish-list please?