Giveaway Blueming's Blooming Catalog (Closed!)

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In-Game Name: Alice
Island Name: Moomoo
Interested in Cataloging: current set, set of day and posters

If the wait is too long for posters I'll just wait for tomorrow, poostars

Thank you
In-Game Name: Kitty
Island Name: Paradise
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Could I catalog some of the sets of day and current sets as well as the poosters, please? :D
In-Game Name: Kitty
Island Name: Paradise
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Could I catalog some of the sets of day and current sets as well as the poosters, please? :D
The keyword for the posters is slightly off!
The keyword for the posters is slightly off!
Omg, sorry!!! My bad, not great at spelling > <

In-Game Name: Kitty
Island Name: Paradise
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Could I catalog some of the sets of day and current sets as well as the poostars, please? :D
New Sets of the Day!

Changing up/clarifying a few things about Sets of the Day (I've also added these to the main post):
  • I will not be accepting requests for singular items for Sets of the Day anymore, but I can always order you something if you need it :)
  • Each person can requests up to 3 sets per day
  • Please only request when the slots are open

Hello! :3

In-Game Name: Akira
Island Name: Meruki
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Sets of the Day!

Could'nt make it yesterday so I would like to request handy water cooler and casette player again if possible, thank you! Oops sorry! Slots full
In-Game Name: yaan

Island Name: Matcha

Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): sets of the day!
Hi! I'd love to come by again.

In-game name: Ralie
Island: Enchanted
Interested in: Sets of the day
In-Game Name: Phoebe
Island Name: Sfienrow!
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Set of the day!
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